
Héléna Alexandra GASPAR


En résumé

I am a postdoc researcher in chemo/bioinformatics working on drug pathways. My fields of competence include machine learning, data mining and data visualisation. I have a background in linguistics, ancient languages (Sorbonne University), chemistry and informatics (University of Strasbourg). The subject of my thesis is: "Development of a new method for visualizing the chemical space". During my PhD, I worked on the design of visual predictive methods, 2D and 3D maps for visualizing properties of molecules, visual applicability domain, and big data learning.

Mes compétences :
Machine Learning
Data mining
Information visualisation
Big Data


  • King's College London - Chercheur postdoc en chémoinformatique

    2015 - maintenant
  • Université de Strasbourg - PhD Student

    Strasbourg 2012 - 2015 PhD student. Thesis subject: "Visualisation of the chemical space".
  • Université de Strasbourg - Master 2 internship

    Strasbourg 2012 - 2012 Design of a software for visualizing and predicting chemical entities.
  • Université de Strasbourg - Master 1 internship

    Strasbourg 2011 - 2011 Benchmarking using Weka and Matlab of usual classification algorithms v.s. Generative Topographic Mapping classification.



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