- Stagiaire développement logiciel
2018 - maintenant
- M2 CCI
2017 - maintenant
Master Compétence Complémentaire en Informatique
Développement Informatique
Langage de programmation: java, c, sql, c++, php, css, javascript, html et angular
Cours: génie logiciel, base de donnée, web réseau et système , méthodes agiles (scrum) UML. programmation et langage.
IGP Péru
- Ingénieur géophysique
2016 - 2017
-Traitement de données sismiques appliquée à un array sismique à Lima composé de 3 sismometre 1 composante et 1 sismometre 3 composantes; localisation des evenements et carte de la répartitions des microseismes à Lima
-Traitement de données sismo - volcaniques avec deux seismic array (antenne sismique).
-Chargée du paramétrage et de la préparation de nouvelles installations d'antennes sismiques pour la surveillance microsismique, à Lima.
-Application de la méthode EMD des données sismo-volcanique pour la participation of the II Regional Assembly of the Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission - LACSC 2016, to be held in San José, Costa Rica from June 20 to 22, 2016.
Titre du projet:
La aplicacion de arrays sismicos en el monitoreo del Volcan Ubinas-Peru
El volcán Ubinas es uno de los volcanes mas activos del Perú y en su record histórico registra mas de 23 erupciones moderadas durante los últimos 500 años. Las estaciones sísmicas tradicionales que se tienen alrededor del volcán no han permitido localizar con alta precisión las fuentes sísmicas de tipo LP asociadas a su actividad magmática. En este sentido el uso de arrays sísmicos permite superar estas limitaciones. El 2015 se instalaron dos arrays sísmicos de 6 elementos cada uno en los flancos norte y oeste del edificio volcánico. Los datos colectados durante tres meses de operación fueron procesados utilizando métodos basados en la decomposición modal empírica (EMD) para obtener hipocentros de alta precisión y estimar trayectorias del flujo magmático en el volcán.
Presenting Author: Mr. Adolfo Inza
Co-Author: Mr. Edmundo Norabuena, Ms Hinda Miled
Affiliations: Instituto Geofisico Del Peru
Outils de traitement:
IGP Peru
- Internship : Investigador scientifico
2015 - 2015
As part of my end of study, I studied volcanoes of the central Andes and regional seismicity in order to find a relationship between the effects of seismicity (regional and of subduction) on the activity of Ubinas volcano. This experience enabled me to work on the field with the installation of seismic equipment (seismic arrays) on the Ubinas volcano.
- Geological setting of the Central Andes: seismicity, volcanism and regional active faults
- Installation of seismic equipment for data acquisition (Seismic Array)
- Recovery and Data Analysis
Acquired skills:
- Autonomy
- Teamwork
- Treatment of seismic / volcanic data (Matlab, SAC)
- Developing land card (GMT)
- Modelling of the Earth tide (Tsoft)
- Fluency in Spanishl
ISterre Grenoble (Institut des sciences de la Terre)
- Internship
2014 - 2014
As part of my Master 1, I wanted to do an internship in addition to my academic career. So thanks to, Michel Campillo my professor of Seismic risks, I can internship applied to study of the effects of Earth tides on elastic materials. This internship was to perform seismic data processing acquired in the area of the San Andreas Fault. More specifically, with Matlab programming, by using cross-correlation processing method between each seismic station. Gregor Hillers in training supervisor and manager Michel Campillo.
- Work on codes Matlab already done (Ownership and modification)
- Introduction to cross-correlation method
- Sampling and seismic data processing over defined time periods
Acquired skills:
- Application of Cross-Correlation method
- Matlab Programming
- Work and collaboration with researchers
- Self confidence
- Autonomy
UJF Grenoble
- Master's degree: Practice field observation and measurement
2013 - 2014
- 2014-2015 (October-February): Work and training field: installation of GPS stations, electrical measurements and seismic refraction to study a landslide in the region of Trièves in the Alps (C. Bouligand, A. Walpersdorf, Brenguier F., O. Coutant)
- 2014 (May to March): Training of field soil survey (electromagnetic method, gravimetric, magnetic and electric) (R. Brossier, Linh C. Bouligand M., M. Dietrich)
- 2014 (February): Field work in marine geosciences in Nice, France (M. Linh)
- 2014 (September): Field work in resources and deposition (M. Bernet and S. Amara Fereira)
- 2014 (September): fieldwork in carbonate and clastic systems (S. Schwartz and E. Dumont)
- 2014 (May): Field work in sedimentology in the Vercors massif, France (E. Jaillard)
- Field work
2013 - 2015
internship M1: Internship applied to study of the effects of Earth tides on elastic materials. This internship was to perform seismic data processing acquired in the area of the San Andreas Fault. More specifically, with Matlab programming, by using cross-correlation processing method between each seismic station. (Ph.D. Gregor Hillers in training supervisor and manager Ph.D. Michel Campillo) Isterre
- 2014-2015 (October-February): Work and training field: installation of GPS stations, electrical measurements and seismic refraction to study a landslide in the region of Trièves in the Alps (C. Bouligand, A. Walpersdorf, Brenguier F., O. Coutant)
- 2014 (May to March): Training of field soil survey (electromagnetic method, gravimetric, magnetic and electric) (R. Brossier, Linh C. Bouligand M., M. Dietrich)
- 2014 (February): Field work in marine geosciences in Nice, France (M. Linh)
- 2014 (September): Field work in resources and deposition (M. Bernet and S. Amara Fereira)
- 2014 (September): fieldwork in carbonate and clastic systems (S. Schwartz and E. Dumont)
- 2014 (May): Field work in sedimentology in the Vercors massif, France (E. Jaillard)
Calcul & Simulation: Matlab, Python, SAC, Seismic Unix Anglais scientific
Software & geological interpretation: GNSS (Global Espagnol fluent
Navigation Satellite System), Sardine INTERESTS
Geographic software: GIS (geographic information Sport : Squash, capoeira, volley-ball, football, VTT and
systems), GMT (generic mapping tools), MapInfo hiking , trek
Exploitation system : Windows et Unix (Debian, Littérature (all)
Unversité UJF Grenoble
- Licence Physique-Chimie et Géosciences
2008 - 2013
Skills developed
- Basics of modern physics: quantum mechanics, fluids mechanics, solids mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, microscopic physics, etc.
- Using common techniques in the field of optics and crystallography: production of devices using laser or thermal springs; obtaining measurements of interferometric spectroscopy, diffraction, etc. (IR, UV, visible, NMR, chromatographic analysis: volumetric analysis, spectroscopic analysis)
- Main analytical chemistry laboratory practice techniques.
- Physico-chemical characterization of materials: complexometric, redox gravimetric dosing, thermal analysis and electrochemistry, etc.