
Hocine ARAB


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Health & Safety Management System


  • Royal Dutch Shell - Field HSE Engineer

    Paris 2010 - maintenant I was the focal point for all HSE activities in the field including 4 drilling rigs, 1 workover rig, rigless and civil-work activities. I was in charge to ensure the compliance with Company HSE Management System.

    I have reviewed Contractor’s HSE standards and made gap analysis against Company Standards and established Bridging Document. Also I reviewed and commented the contractor HSE plan, waste management plan, Emergency Response Plans prior approval.

    I was a member of Local Rig Start-Up Team. This team is in charge of completing all preparation activities to ensure safe mobilization to the field and safe starting of operations. This includes inspection of contractor equipments at Contractor Base, check equipment certification, and verify their management system (HSE-MS and Preventive Maintenance System)

    I have established and implemented HSE assurance plans, standards and training materials

    I have been a member of the team who carried out the project Hazard and Effect Management Process where all project hazards control and mitigation measures have been identified. For identified high risks we developed Bow-Ties. Critical equipments, critical tasks and critical position have been identified.

    I conducted daily site visits to ensure operations are being conducted safely and all safety measures are implemented.

    I conducted periodic self assurance audits and inspections to ensure compliance with Company Standards as: DROPS standard, Lifting and Hoisting standard, Permit to work/confined Space Entry/Lockout Tagout standards, Emergency Response Plans, Temporary Pipe Work Standard, Road transportation standard, Process Safety etc…

    I was member of incident investigation team. I make sure that root causes are adequately identified and right corrective actions are implemented to avoid reoccurrence of such incidents. I reported all incidents in the Company Incident Management System and I ensure that High Potential incident are reviewed by Incident Management Panel and I issued learning from incident and communicated to Shell Group.

    I ensured that all findings from Inspections, Site Visits, Audits and incidents are recorded in an action tracker which we review on bi-weekly meeting to follow up on action close out status.

    I coached and provided support and assistance to Contractor teams to work to the HSE standards and requirements.

    I issued HSE performance report on weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.
  • Shell - HSE Manager

    Paris 2010 - 2010
  • Royal Dutch Shell - HSE Advisor

    Paris 2009 - 2009 This was a short assignment to Libya because the Algeria project was on standby waiting for Seismic results

    I have evaluated and assessed 3 different Contractors whether they have capability and resources to manage the project risks and reconsidered their greenbanding status.

    I have conducted Drilling Contractor HSE-MS audit

    I have provided required support to Shell Logistic Department to develop and improve the HSE Management System in their supply base which is 600 Km far from head office.

    I helped and coached Land Transport Contractor to develop and implement HSE-MS
  • Royal Dutch Shell - HSSE Manager

    Paris 2007 - 2010 I was responsible for all HSE related to exploration activities including 2 drilling rigs, civil work and logistics

    I was assigned to the field (800 Km far from office) as a Company representative (because of lack of personnel) to be in charge of coordination and preparation for well abandonment activities. This include HSE activities, Logistic, road access reparation, camp building etc…

    I have reviewed the Company Land Transport Safety Case to ensure that we are in compliance with the company standard and ensure that the risk is reduced to ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable)

    I conducted all Contractor’s Waste Management System audit and identified the gaps

    I conducted the Catering Contractor HSE Management System audit

    I conducted the Land Transport Contractor HSE Management System audit

    I was responsible for liaison with Algeria Authorities

    Periodically I conducted Drilling and Civil Work sites visits

    I provided HSE training like HSE Awareness Training, HSE for supervisors, managing rule breaking….

    I establish and submit Management HSE performance report on weekly and monthly basis

    I planned and organized the monthly Contractor HSE meeting and ensure Contractors active participation

    I established yearly HSE plan and ensure the implementation and close out of the actions

    I was member of incident investigation team.
  • Repsol YPF - Head HSE

    2005 - 2007 I was the On Field Responsible for all HSE related to the project which covers 4 Drilling Rigs, Civil work activities, Seismic activities and Rigless activities.

    I studied all Algerian Health, Safety and Environment regulations and established all specific obligation to the project

    I developed all HSE plans for the project which include Emergency Response Plan, Waste and Water Management Plans, Security Management Plan, Contractor Management Plan, Bridging Document, Training Plan, Assurance Plan

    I developed HSE procedures for the project (Permit to Work, Confined Space Entry, Accident communication and investigation, Land Transport Safety, PPE management, HSE requirements for EPC, Drilling, rigless and seismic operations.

    I developed general specifications for onsite medical structures which complies with Algerian legal requirements and international standard (OGP)

    I reviewed and issued comments on technical notes submitted by the EPC Contractor

    I reviewed and issued comments on EPC Contactor HSE Plan and procedures

    I was member of coordinating team during Blow out Control operations executed by Boots and Coots

    I carried out inspections and audits on different areas of activities

    I was member of incident investigation team

    I reported to head office in Madrid all HSE highlights and lowlights of the project

    I was team member for preparation for contractor mobilization and start up to make sure all HSE requirements are complied with.
  • BP/Sonatrach/Statoil Joint Venture - HSE Manager

    2004 - 2005 I was in charge of field HSE related to the project (4 different sites: 3 sites are gas producing facilities and 1 site is gas compression and exporting facility)

    I coached the operation team and contractors on HSE standards, good practices and behaviors to deliver good HSE performance

    I developed and managed the HSE Management System, training program and HSE induction

    I conducted and coordinate the periodic HSE audits
  • BP/Sonatrach/Statoil Joint Venture - HSE Engineer

    2003 - 2004 I developed site specific HSE procedures

    I developed firefighting equipment inspection and maintenance procedures and checklist and conducted periodic inspection and test

    I provided support to operation team to supervise hazardous activities

    I conducted on daily basis site inspection to identify any non compliance with Company standards and procedures

    I conducted periodic audits on Permit to Work system, Energy Isolation System, Chemical Management Program

    I established and submitted the Monthly HSE performance report

    I implemented the Safety Observation Program and the Advanced Safety Audit Program

    I implemented the chemical management program (Collect all MSDS, label all containers, train employees)

    I implemented hearing conservation program (train employees, noise monitoring in facilities, establish noise map, noise hazard signs installed)

    I developed all HSE training support and led the training

    I led and participated in assessing risks associated with jobs

    I participated in incident investigation

    I led the weekly Emergency Response Drills
  • BP/Sonatrach/Statoil Joint Venture - HSE Coordinator

    2003 - 2003 I was responsible for all HSE related to construction activities of 2 gas production facilities

    I conducted daily site inspections to ensure Contractor and sub-contractor compliance with standards

    I conducted periodic audit on different programs defined by the Company to ensure compliance with these programs

    I issued on monthly basis HSE performance report

    I led Some HSE training
  • BP/Sonatrach Joint Venture - Safety Engineer

    2000 - 2002 I stood in for HSE Manager during his temporary release

    I led the firefighting team

    I developed firefighting equipment inspection and maintenance procedures and checklists and lead the inspection and test of the equipments

    I was member of the team in charge of developing and implementing the HSE Manual and improving the Work Permit system

    I was member of the team in charge of implementing BP HSE Management System

    I implemented the Safety Observation Program and the Advanced Safety Audit Program

    I developed HSE training materials and led the training

    I led and participated in assessing risks associated with jobs

    I was member of incident investigation team

    I issued on monthly basis HSE performance report

    I provided support to operation team to supervise hazardous activities

    I led the weekly Emergency Response Drills

    I was member of team who conducted HAZID study for an horizontal drilling operation
  • Sonatrach - Safety Engineer

    1999 - 2000 The project consists of construction of an LPG production facility and its connection to the existing oil producing facility

    I supervised all construction activities and coordinate with different department for SIMOPS activities

    I participated in daily activities planning meeting

    I led and participate in job risk assessment

    I led the firefighting team

    I developed firefighting equipment inspection and maintenance procedures and checklists and lead the inspection and test of the equipments

    I developed Emergency Response procedures

    I issued HSE performance report on daily and monthly basis

    I lead and participated in incident investigation


  • ENSPM - IFP Training (Martigues)

    Martigues 1996 - 1998 Ingénieur
  • Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou ( ALGERIE) (Tizi Ouzou)

    Tizi Ouzou 1989 - 1995 Ingénieur


Annuaire des membres :