2014 - 2016Consultant:
GDF Suez exploration - subsurface data management (Petrel)
Core Energy: Petrel support
- Petrel support in Structural modeling
- Grid QC
Core Energy:
-Provide Petrel training on Structural modeling
Petoro - Petrel training
Technical sales:
On-site demos
Cegal (Blueback Reservoir)
- Géologue
2011 - 2016Petrel
-Project setup
Client support
-Geophysics and geology Blueback plug – in
-Reservoir Engineering Blueback plug – in
-Seismic Reservoir Characterization Blueback plug – in
Technical pre – sales
Consultancy experience
ENI – reservoir group, Petrel support (April-October 2013)
-Pillar gridding and structural modelling
-Water saturation modelling
-Presentations and demos of various Petrel 2012 modules
Premier – Luno II Geomodelling (October 2013)
-Structural modelling
-Volume depth calculation
University of Stavanger – support Master students for computer lab focused on seismic reservoir characterization (November 2012 and October 2013)
-EEI analysis
-Colored inversion
-Seismic net pay
Core energy, PL348 Hyme, Structural modelling (November 2013)
-Structural modelling of a complex faulted area including structural gridding and corner point gridding
Institut des sciences de la Terre, Jaume Almera, CSIC, Barcelone
- Géologue structural
2008 - 2011Field work
-Fold related fractures in the Zagros , Iran
-Diapir – related fractures, La Popa basin, Mexico
-Fracture and dolomites, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain
-Evaporites and fractures, High Atlas and Essaouira basin, Marocco
Fault analysis, Fracturing characterization and modeling of reservoirs and seals
3D seismic interpretation in the Caribbean carbonate reservoirs: normal faulting interpretation using Petrel, 5 weeks, Statoil internship, Bergen – may/june 2010.