A la fin de mon cycle ingenieur des techniques Juridiques et comptable a l'Ecole Superieure de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises de l'Institut National Polytechnique Houphouet Boigny de Yamoussoukro:Array, je suis recrute par la filiale du groupe AP.Moller-Maersk:Array en Cote d'Ivoire en tant qu'assistant du chef comptable de la division transit.
je passe 15 mois a ce poste pour etre ensuite nomme controleur credit a la finance de Maersk Line.
6 mois plus tard, je suis enrolle dans le projet d'implementation du nouveau progiciel de gestion integre (SAP R/3) en tant que Data Manager. cette nouvelle aventure palpitante qui m'amene a me familiariser avec la gestion des bases de donnees et les macros sous EXCEL prend fin au bout de 12 mois.
le progiciel etant implemente (avec succes), il faut le piloter. je suis donc promu Chef Comptable de la filiale Maersk Cote d'Ivoire depuis le debut de l'annee 2010
depuis le 20 Aout 2012, je suis le Directeur Financier de MSC Cote d'ivoire et Burkina Faso
translation in English:
Issiaka is a 5 years finance professional who started in 2007 as Damco (Maersk Logistics) Chief accountant assistant. after 15 months of Logistics finance and accounting practice, he has been promoted as Maersk Line credit controller where he was in charge of customer credit control, Days of Sales Outstanding and weekly reporting.
6 months later, he has been promoted again as Cluster Data Manager for SAP implementation in Ivory Coast Cluster including 4 business units and 2 countries. during 1 year, he has been coaching a team of 3 people and was reporting to Africa region Data Manager and west Africa implementation Manager. after a successful implementation, the ERP was ready to be run...he has finally been promoted as Ivory Coast cluster Accounting Manager.
Since August 2012, I have moved to MSC ( the 2nd biggest Shipping company after the A.P. Moller Maersk Group) as CFO in charge of 2 countries with 3 offices.
Mes compétences :
Project Management
Gestion de projet