


En résumé

Behavioral Skills
Analytical mind, Intercultural sensitivity, Curiosity
Application, Rigor and Involvement
Ability to unite, transversal Collaboration, Proactivity, in an international environment

Technical Skills
8 years of higher education, engineer and doctor in Electrochemistry
Good skills in electricity and physico-chemistry, with a specialization in the field of electrochemical energy storage systems (Batteries, Fuel Cells, Redox Flow systems).
Experience in the development of Fuel cells, and of Li-ion Batteries, for both Stationary and Automotive sectors
End Life Vehicle Recycling: Transversal Recycled Content and Green Material Policy animation
Battery circularity: eco-design, use and recycling of energy storage systems
Battery suppliers and recyclers good knowledge
Management of technical projects: PhD, subsidized, innovation projects, supplier relations, etc.
Technological roadmap on electrochemical cells
7 patents, 12 publications, several communications


  • Groupe PSA - Ingénieur Filières traitement véhicules hors d’usage

    Vélizy-Villacoublay (78140) 2016 - maintenant • Battery Recycling
    o Battery Recycling Lobbying at ACEA
    o Technico-economic and regulatory monitoring and analysis on the treatment of end-of-life batteries
    o Business support for RFQ battery recycling
    • Green materials and recycling technologies watch
    o Technical and economic monitoring of the ELV and metal and plastic recycling sectors.
    o Group benchmarking of recycled material rates - strategic metals
    o Green materials policy management for the group
    o Coordination of related R&D projects
  • PSA Peugeot Citroën - Ingénieur innovation systèmes de stockage électrochimiques

    Carrières-sous-Poissy (78955) 2011 - 2015 • Electrochemistry Innovation Pilot
    o Functional and organic design, from cell to pack (mechanical, thermal, safety
    o Scientific expertise on electrochemical cells (fuel cells, batteries)
    o Management of internal innovation projects. Internal TRL process (up to TRL5)
    o Management of subsidized projects
    o Bench tests (electrical characterizations of cells / batteries)
    • Technological roadmaps for energy storage systems
    o Li-ion cell screening: management of functional / aging and dysfunctional tests (internal and external services); technical synthesis
    o Management of Suppliers relations (technical specifications, consultations, technological roadmap)
  • CNRS, ICMPE-université Paris XII - Enseignant-chercheur contractuel

    2010 - 2011 équipe ESO,
    électroréduction du CO2 dans des matériaux innovants type 3D, collaboration avec Girindus America (groupe Solvay)
    enseignements : physico-chimie, électrochimie (TD, TP)
  • CENERGY - Senior R&D manager

    2008 - 2009 alkaline fuel cell : repsonsible for all the R&D activities in the french entity (dordogne, 24).
  • Cenergie Corporation PLC - Senior Research & Development Manager

    2008 - 2009 Alkaline Fuel cells
    Développement de stacks de piles à combustible alcalines (2 kW par stacks), synthèses et caractérisations de matériaux d'électrode non nobles innovants.
  • University of Newcastle - Research associate

    2007 - 2008 School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, université de Newcastle (Grande Bretagne). Projet piles à combustible biologiques (MFC) financé par la commission européenne (post-doc Marie-Curie).
    Deux projets de R&D portant sur les MFC et les PEMFC.
  • INPG - Doctorat Electrochimie

    Grenoble 2004 - 2006 Piles à combustible alcalines, électrocatalyse
    Projet subventionné réseau PACo
    applications : transport et stationnaire



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