
Jean-Alexis BIDET


En résumé

Passionné de nouvelles technologies et de marketing, jai pu au cours de mes 8 ans chez Honda appréhender et maitriser lensemble des activités marketing avec de forts enjeux autour de la digitalisation du parcours client, dans un contexte changeant et complexe.


  • Honda Motors Europe Ltd succursale France - Chef de produit Auto et Accessoires

    2014 - maintenant
  • WeChef - Chef de Projet Web

    2013 - 2014 • Gestion de projets web et mobile : développement de nouvelles plateformes et fonctionnalités
    • Amélioration de l’expérience utilisateur : réflexion fonctionnelle et interactive puis implémentation
    • Actions de Marketing Digital : Développement et déploiement d’une Newsletter (MailChimp)...
  • Luxair - Intern Ecommerce

    Luxembourg 2013 - 2013 Among the Luxair Group's Ecommerce division in charge of all Eretail activities for both Airline and Tour Operator (Luxair Group)

    Creation of microsite country
    CRM improvment(surveys, Newsletter, Database)
    Web project management (Implementation, needs definition, Benchmark, Interface design)
    Promotion campagn setting
    Redaction SEO compliant
  • Canal + - Winner of the "Innovative Big Contest"

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2012 - 2012 Student competition opposing more than 20 teams on the improvement of customer
    Relationship on After-Sale services thanks to new technologies.
    Winner after a presentation in front of the direction committee during a final with 4 other teams.
  • Renault S.A.S. -  Product Marketing Manager Assistant - Renault LCV Comercial direction

    2012 - 2012 Among the Van Range Comercial Direction of DCVU (LCV Comercial Direction)
    - Updating and creation of comunication supports
    - Business Intelligence, Customer reports and Benchmarketing
    - Assistance of Local and national directions
    - Implied in future products definition
    - Setting of a bimensual Internal Information Flash
  • Board of Students ICN 2011 - Event Manager & Graphic Designer

    2011 - 2011 - Management of the student life: events, welcoming of new students, welcoming of appliants for their oral entrance exams.
    - Events Manager: Preparation and management of 10 events all along the year
    Each time: 10 000€ budget and 500 people
    Finding partnerships, Negotiation with suppliers, Communication and management of a team of 20 people
    - Graphic Designer (flyers, gifts, wearables...)
  • Quester II - Customers relationship and Sales Manager

    2010 - 2010 Assist specific customers (US diplomacy and US missions abroad) in their buying process of Communication by objects solutions:
    - Search and comercial proposition
    - Orders monitoring
    - Logistic
    - Suppliers relationship
    - Accounting
  • Board of Arts ICN 2010 - Vice-treasurer

    2010 - 2010 Helping the treasurer with the general budget and its management
    Setting of events budget
    Events logistic
  • Mercedes-Benz Paris - Project Manager: Customer Relationship

    2007 - 2007 Among the After-Sale service of the Les Ulis dealer (belonging to the group Mercedes-Benz Paris):
    - Welcoming of customers and VIP
    - Processing of Customer satisfaction surveys received weekly in order to set new process


  • ICN Business School

    Acigné maintenant
  • ICN Business School (Nancy)

    Nancy 2009 - 2012 Msc of Business

    International Negociation - Finance - Associations and activities:
    Board of arts 2010
    Board of students2011
    Member of Challenge Ecricome 2010
  • Lycée AlexAndré Dumas

    Saint Cloud 2007 - 2009 Preparatory School

    Two years prep school for Business School entrance exam
  • Ecole EPF EPF

    Sceaux 2006 - 2007 General engineering

    First year of Msc in Science and engineering before reconversion to Business studies.
    Learn how to work in a multi-cultural team and more precisely with engineers; technical knowledge


Annuaire des membres :