
Jean-Francois LE BIDEAU


En résumé

Sept.2007 à aout 2008: ISP Gabon
Responsable technique

juil.à sept.2007: T-SYSTEM TSF
Chef de projet VSAT

Janv. à mai 2007: ALCATEL Saudi
Chef de projet technique

juil. à nov. 2006:DIGICEL (Opérateur télécom Antilles)
Ingénieur réseau IP

Responsable support international IT

2001/2002: Congolaise Industrielle des Bois
Responsable informatique/telecom

1995/1999 : Societe Generale de Surveillance
Responsable des Operations: Congo , Cameroun

1993/1995 : Congolaise Industrielle des Bois (CIB)
Responsable Administration

Mes compétences :


  • Bourbon - Freelance roll out engineer

    Paris 2008 - maintenant BOURBON group is focusing its development on offshore oil and gas marine services and it is investing massively in innovative and high performance vessels. Since 2007, VSAT antennas and new IT network have been deployed in the fleet on new building vessels and older ships have been upgraded.
    Since October 2008 , I achieved the IT roll out for more than 17 vessels.
  • TLDC Gabon (ISP) - CTO

    2007 - 2008 started in 2006 December, this company used to be the 2nd Internet service provider in Gabon, behind the historical telco Gabon Telecom. Its Wimax access network in Libreville is made of 11 Motorola BTS (6 sites interconnected with backhauls) and provides the Internet bandwidth to its customers (private and professional) from a VSAT link. A new network started in 2008 June in Port-Gentil.
    •Managed and maintained Libreville’s network (VSAT/radio backhauls/Wimax access)
    •Rolled out a new network in Port-Gentil
  • Alcatel Saudi - Technical Project Manager

    2007 - 2007 Alcatel signed a contract for the roll-out of 500 000 xDSL lines with STC (Saudi Telecom).
    I supervised the Operations and Maintenance team (O&M) as technical project manager, responsible for managing Alcatel equipments (600 IP-DSLAM, 150 ATM-DSLAM, 60 microDSLAM)
    •Managed Operations & Maintenance department
    •Interfaced between client (Saudi Telecom) and Alcatel’s business units
  • Digicel - IP network engineer

    Ducos 2006 - 2006 Context: Bouygues Telecom Caraibes (170000 customers in French West Indies) was sold to Digicel group in 2006. Due to architecture re-design and scheduled stop of Bouygues’s network support, I was hired for a 4 months assignment as IP Network engineer.
    •Managed & maintained network equipments (Cisco) and security (Checkpoint)
    •Implemented network supervision tools (Ciscoworks, Netcool)
  • Saipem sa - International support engineer

    Montigny-le-Bretonneux 2002 - 2006 Context: Ex-Bouygues Offshore company was bought by Saipem, subsidiary of ENI in June 2002 and then, the information system was merged. IT system was migrated from NT4.0 to Windows 2003/2000 (servers) and XP (workstations).
    Responsible for the IT integration and support to subsidiaries abroad.
    Managed the IT abroad for 2 major projects:
    ERHA : (Exxon FPSO engineering, procurement and construction contract in Malaysia, Singapore and Nigeria)
    Guangdong: BP LNG engineering, procurement and construction contract in China
  • Congolaise Industrielle des Bois - IT Manager

    2001 - 2002 IT Manager, responsible for information and telecom system of the yard in Pokola (North Congo) (1500 employees, forest logging, 3 sawmills, molding unit)
    Managed a team of 3 Congolese technicians
    network of 60 computers, dial-up Inmarsat link, Windows NT4.0 servers, Exchange 5.5
    VHF Motorola
    Lucent PABX
  • Societe generale de surveillance - Operation Manager

    1995 - 1999 World leader in assessment and certification, SGS group started sectorial export monitoring programs in timber in order to guarantee a better forest management and optimise tax revenues. Then, following recommendations of the World Bank, governmental contracts were signed in Cameroon, Congo, Central African Republic…
    I joined the group to manage the operations for those contracts in Cameroon (1 year), UK(6 months) and Congo (2,5 years) with various assignments in dense forest regions (Ivory Coast, Central Africa, Equatorial Guinea)
  • Congolaise Industrielle des Bois - Administration Manager

    1993 - 1995 Company already mentioned
    Responsible for administration
    Managed a team of Congolese clerks, responsible for the monthly paying of 750 workers.
    Interim of financial manager and supply manager



Annuaire des membres :