
Jean-Jacques Loic MOUKOKO ELAME


En résumé

Analyse Financière, Contrôle Financier, Private Sector Development, SME & Housing Finance, Project Management, Microfinance, M&A, Private Equity, Corporate Finance, Development Finance, Corporate Valuation, Accounting, Risk Management

Mes compétences :
Capital investissement
Finance d'entreprise
Fusions acquisitions
Private Equity


  • Freelance - Consultant Financier

    2012 - maintenant - Restructured and developed a new pipeline for the private equity fund AFRIPAR
    - Developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to follow portfolio companies performance and implemented a new reporting policy
    - Implementing a standard method to analyze business plan and to run investment appraisal
    - Conducted Market and Industry research with a focus on the Liberian banking sector to support AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION pre-investment analysis
  • Africa ProSeed - Associé Fondateur

    2011 - maintenant - Accompanying SMEs in business planning, operations, financial and strategic analysis
    - Promoting investment and entrepreneurship in Africa and private sector development
  • African Development Bank - Financial Economist Intern

    2011 - 2011 - Strategic projects reviews in several industries
    - Elaboration of a project to accelerate private sector development and reduce youth unemployment in Africa
    - Working paper on the business environment in Mauritania and its contribution to economic growth (draft available)
    - Investment projects analysis in Private Equity funds targeting African SMEs and Microfinance institutions with the Private Sector department (OPSM – Private sector department)
    - Preparation of Project Evaluation Notes for different private sector investments projects to be submitted to the Board (OPSM – Private sector department)
  • ProCredit Holding - Financial Analyst

    2009 - 2011 - Financial Analysis: Controlling and daily/monthly analysis of Bu’s financials to maintain post crisis group performance
    - Internal Reporting: Preparing monthly standard reports and presentations for the different departments, committees and the management of ProCredit Holding, creation of financial models for reporting purposes
    - External Reporting: Regular monitoring of existing covenants of ProCredit Holding, external reports to third parties as stipulated in shareholder agreements, loan contracts or similar agreements
    - Implementation of the Group Business Plan
  • Saint Gobain - Financial Analyst

    Courbevoie 2007 - 2009 - Financial controlling : Analyzed BU’s financial statements to ensure group performance
    - Financial modeling : assessed investments opportunities (DCF, Payback period, Sensitivity Analysis)
    - Mergers & Acquisitions: Target financial analysis and valuations (use of DCF, Multiples). Integration and post acquisition monitoring of acquiree
    - Complete implementation of the 5-Year Plan and Annual Budget processes to keep profitability
    - Quarterly results analysis and re-forecast which enabled a stable development of the group
    - Financial Reporting of the Holding company and financial consolidation
    - Preparation of presentations for monthly results, Budget, Quarterly results, 5-Year Plan
  • BNP PARIBAS - Assistant Credit Risk

    Paris 2006 - 2006 - Administrative actualization of the lending relationship with Global Accounts Clients
    - Global measurement of credit risk with credit analysts
    - Internal audit of the risk department


  • Frankfurt School Of Finance & Management (Frankfurt Am Main)

    Frankfurt Am Main 2009 - 2011 Master of Finance - Concentration in Development Finance

    Paris 2006 - 2011 Corporate Finance & Banking
  • Université Paris 12 Val De Marne AGE

    Creteil 2005 - 2006 E-commerce


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