- R&D Program Manager
2012 - maintenant
in charge of the development of a new technology
- R&D Program Manager
2010 - 2012
in charge of the development and the implementation of a new lithography technique (‘stitching’) from project definition to prototype realisation
- Section Manager
2006 - 2010
In charge of team coordination, projects management and suppliers relationships
ST Microelectronics
- Project Manager
2003 - 2006
In charge of startup of a new R&D line in Crolles, in coordination with the existing production one in Rousset.
- Technical Leader
2000 - 2003
In charge of study and industrialisation of new processes for the R&D line (in metal, implantation and CVD areas)
ST Microelectronics
- R&D engineer in charge of Joined Program in Japan
1998 - 2000
In Nirasaki (Yamanashi, Japan), in charge of common process development with TOKYO ELECTRON (TEL)
ST Microelectronics
- Process Engineer
1994 - 1998
Technical support to production operations and equipment engineering groups