
Jean-Philippe VACHER


En résumé

As a sales and marketing development leader, I took part in accelerating growth and innovation in the construction sector. That's why I like to take up challenges and mobilize teams around a vision or common projects: differentiation is in my eyes creative values. I believe in the human being and see technology as a real lever of disruption.

From the digital transformation and the materials distribution sector to the evolution of construction methods, the requirements related to sustainable development on recycling issues or the numerical value of the buildings of the future, the challenges of construction imply some form of excellence. It consists of teams with more proactivity, customization of the customer relationship and the "customer centric", as well as in the commercial approach, a development of the customer portfolio at the same time co-growth and co-innovation. The evolution of the market must be anticipated as a whole to co-build the value of tomorrow.

Because innovation and the evolution of constructive habits are too often perceived as constraints, the future is a challenge for the Heavyside sector. Faced with this resistance, coaching and team training will be crucial. The potential for opening up new spaces of values ​​and the relationships that will result from them with the enlargement of the actors in the chain will be a real opportunity.

Foster Innovation In the National Industry for Tomorrow at Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale http://www.industrienationale.fr/

Mes compétences :
Business strategy
Business management
Global account management
Partenariats stratégiques
Team Management
Innovation Management
Marketing & Sales strategy


  • CCB-Cementir Holding - Directeur Stratégie & Marketing

    2017 - maintenant Since the acquisition of CCB Group, Compagnie des Ciments Belges by Cementir Holding, the management team has decided to strengthen the sales and marketing approach for all businesses.

    I'm in charge of the strategy and marketing for cement, aggregates and ready-mixed concretes to the markets in Belgium, Northern of France, Netherlands, Germany and exports.

    I'm permanent member of CCB Executive management team reporting to the CEO.
  • Kerneos - Global Special Process Industries Business Manager

    Neuilly sur Seine 2016 - 2017 Global Marketing & Sales strategy to drive CAC solutions' growth to global Precast and Special Process Industries markets in Europe and US (Passive Fire Protection, Boards, Concretes, ...)
    Team management
  • Italcementi Group - Group Marketing / Sales & Key Business Development Manager

    Guerville 2012 - 2016 Marketing & Sales Strategy to leverage value creation to customers
    Opening new business roads & driving additional revenues
    International Strategic Partnerships (Customers' joint value business development)
    Steers Global Key Account to the Group Company in 3 customer segments (mortars, contractors and distribution)
    From Product/Market management to development of a compelling Value Proposition
  • Italcementi Group - Group Opportunities Evaluation Manager

    Guerville 2011 - 2012 Construction market prospective analysis and business impacts
    Management of the promising new projects bringing additional revenues
    Growing innovative businesses' penetration in emerging and mature countries
  • Italcementi Group - Innovation & Marketing Manager

    Guerville 2010 - 2011 Wrote the Transparent Concrete's Business plan
    Group new Retail approach
    Commercial launch with subsidiaries
  • Ciments Calcia - Head of France-Belgium Innovation Department

    GUERVILLE 2005 - 2010 Innovation strategy definition (Cement, Concrete, Aggregates, Additives and lime based mortars)
    Products-Services' development management
    Innovation rate increase over 5%
    Launching of a range of specialties products (Sulfo aluminous, self-cleaning, depolluting)
  • Holcim France-Benelux - Cement Marketing Manager

    1998 - 2004 Successful slag cement strategy to raise penetration rate of sustainable RMC and bags' product range
    Marketing plan definition and Group business plan
    Market repositioning and Product Branding launch
    Operational marketing to sales' force
    @-sales activity responsability
    President of cement & concrete working group
  • Saint Gobain Weber France - Renovation Sector Product Manager

    1996 - 1998 Renovation façades market repositioning
    Launch of a new range of products called Heritage : decorative lime based coatings, old stones
  • Placoplatre - Gypsum Plasterboard Market Manager

    Suresnes 1993 - 1996 Non Residential marketing strategy
    Launching of the new technical plasterboards to fire market such as the GRG Stucal, the 1st MO plasterboard Lisacal, a new fixing system Stil Prim
    In charge of the development of the cement boards' market introduction
  • Sibelco, Siliceous raw materials - Building Construction Market Manager

    1991 - 1993 Quartz sand & silica flour sales to the building construction new markets
    New fields opened in RMC, Precast Industries, industrial mortars : sand correction curve,fillers,...
    Ultrafines' by-products valorization and new business opened in building chemistry and Ultra high performance concrete



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