When designing and making software, I like to think of us software engineers as Gepetto, and all those software-powered devices are our own little Pinocchio's. Well, taking a second look at this metaphor, Dr. Frankenstein may be a better match: our creations are often more than not a monstruous patchwork of legacy code, third party libraries and dodgy designs that do the trick, rather than a nice set of handcrafted pieces of code, with every part fitting perfectly well with each other.
Still, the result works, and that's what really matters. We are giving life to inanimate objects when plugged into an electricity outlet. Who can say that of its daily job!
What does this view of our industry tells about me? Well, it tells that I like end-users, the people for whom we create these electronic golem servants. I am concerned about delivering value. I don't really care about the technologies or the tools; what interest me are the business needs and how to get things done.
I am fond of Agile methodologies, ever since I had the unexpected opportunity to be a Scrum Master to try and apply Scrum "by the book". In retrospect, this is not surprising given my business-focused mind, and that I'd rather work in a team.
As much as I am a developer, as much I also consider testing an essential part of our businesses. Testing strategy, acceptance criteria, functional tests automation, test-driven development, spec by example: I am familiar with them and am also deeply convinced that any software business which is not, doesn't stand a chance to keep open for long.
That's why I joined forces with WEmanity as a consultant on Agile Testing methodologies and Test Automation techniques.
Mes compétences :
Spécifications fonctionnelles
Documentation technique
Systèmes embarqués
Scrum master
Système de gestion de versions
TV numérique
Test unitaire
Hudson Jenkins
Test Driven Development
Design Patterns
Méthode agile
Test utilisateur
Amélioration continue
Test fonctionnel
Test agile
Spécifications exécutables