Dairy cows : study about feed values of fodders (analysis, variation factors, measures), farm audits (nutrition, health, pathologies, milk quality), technical and economical simulations (in collaboration with Arvalis).
Poultry : creating a new chicken offer and evaluating generated costs from consumers'
expectations (major thesis).
Other : project management/event, customer relationship management, surveys, training for technicians
Angers2010 - 2015Ingénieur en Agriculture par apprentissage
MSc in Agribusiness
Specialisation : production and processing in the milk and meat industry
Skills : animal sciences (feed, reproduction, health), food sciences, marketing, statistics, economy
Internships : FRANCE (dairy farm), CANADA (organic farm), IRELAND (Teagasc : research center)
Preparatory class BCPST (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences).
Intensive courses to prepare the veterinarian and the agronomist/agricultural examinations.