


En résumé

Coach en santé naturelle, j'aide mes clients à trouver des méthodes de santé naturelle innovantes qui leur conviennent et vont leur apporter plus d'énergie et un retour à la santé.
Mes approches touchent aussi bien à l'alimentation, la gestion des émotions, l'apprentissage de techniques d'hygiène de vie, qu'à la mise à nu des "suppositions cachées" qui empêchent souvent le changement de se produire.

Mes compétences :
Analyse de cycle de vie
Cycle de vie
Impact environnemental
Renewable energies
sustainable development


  • Le Phoenix - Coach santé naturelle

    2014 - maintenant www.jeremie-mercier.com
  • Harmonie Globale - Coach santé naturelle

    2012 - 2014 Coach en alimentation saine et en gestion du stress.
  • CEA - Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission - Engineer-researcher

    2011 - 2012 Prospective study on the competitiveness of 2nd generation biodiesel BtL (Biomass-to-Liquid) made from wood or straw.
    For this, I am developing prospective scenarios on the cost of crude oil + the evolution of the refining sector and I am also looking at the development of alternative fuels (Coal-to-Liquids and Gas-to-Liquids, 1st generation agrofuels, other 2nd generation biofuels, algae fuels, etc.) that are substitutes to diesel.
    The chosen time horizon for this study is 2030.
  • Imperial College London - Doctoral researcher

    London 2006 - 2011 cf. http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/icept/ourresearchactivities/bioenergy/people/jeremie

    Title of thesis: Are current agrofuels a valid tool to tackle climate change? An assessment of French and British 'biofuel' policies

    Research funded by Fondation Tuck (linked to the French Institute of Petroleum IFPEN), firstly as a 'Volontaire International Scientifique-Chercheur' under the auspices of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then as a researcher of IFPEN.

    Findings of my research on http://www.fondation-tuck.fr/resultats/theses/2006/pop-up-2006-T01.html or directly on my thesis http://tinyurl.com/3oppbcl

    Discovered among other interesting things that the promotion of agrofuels on environmental grounds makes little sense if there is no decrease in animal products consumption at the same time.
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Elève normalien

    LYON 7EME 2002 - 2006 Entered ENS Lyon as a 'normalien' after competitive nation-wide examinations . Thus obtained a status of civil servant while being at the same time a student. Had to have my projects of studies as well as my internships checked for approval and had to commit to a mission of public service for 10 years.


  • Imperial College London CEP (London)

    London 2006 - 2011 Sciences et politique de l'environnement


    Subject: Are current agrofuels a valid tool to tackle climate change? An assessment of French and British 'biofuel' policies
  • Ecole Nationale Génie Rural Eaux Foret (Paris)

    Paris 2005 - 2006
  • Ecole Nationale Des Ponts Et Chaussées DEA STE

    Champs Sur Marne 2004 - 2005 Politique de l'eau (Liban-Syrie)
  • Mc Master University (Hamilton, Ontario)

    Hamilton, Ontario 2003 - 2004 Chimie-Physique

    Department of Chemistry
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure Sciences

    Lyon 2002 - 2006 Chimie-Physique

  • Lycée Henri Poincaré

    Nancy 1999 - 2003
  • Lycée Jacques Callot

    Vandoeuvre Les Nancy 1996 - 1999


Annuaire des membres :