Organi Skin Care - Melbourne, Australia
- Sales Representative
2014 - maintenant * Direct selling of organic beauty products
* Face-to-face products demonstration
International Development Direction SNCF (French National Railway Company)
- Business Development Executive
2011 - 2013 * Conducted a market opportunity study on Sub-Saharan African markets for the SNCF Group (corporate and subsidiaries) ;
- Definition of a matrix of country selection with key datas (political stability, security, GNP, investment profile, foreign direct investment, credit risk, ease of doing business, project opportunities...) ;
- Definition of railway business opportunities in each selected countries
- Definition of the existing railway infrastructure and organization
- Analysis of SNCF positioning as regards the three below issues
* Edited two proposal funding requests to the French Ministry of Finance (India) and the European Commission (TEMPUS program in Russia and Ukraine) - Funding received - 600,000 EUR and 1,000,000 EUR ;
- Supported the Project Directors in editing the funding requests reports
- Managed the link with the foreign partners (TEMPUS program: Russian, Ukrainian, Latvian, Polish)
- Wrote contents ;
- Make sure that the deadline were met according to the planning ;
- Assisted in finding the required experts
* Prospected and networked in Ghana for international railway feasibility study - Funding requested - $1,000,000
- Convinced the hierarchy to conduct an opportunity study by meeting the country decision-makers
- Met potential investors like Ministers and a business angel
- This study participated in motivating the Groupe SNCF for a larger scale market research (Subsaharan African countries)
- International Relations Executive
2009 - 2011* Edited business model to then organize foreign delegation visits (institutional and industrial clients)
- Definition of selling prices with the Account Department
- End-to-end management of visits: gathering needs, relations with the clients during the preparation phase, negotiation with the internal actors (technical sites, stations) for receiving the delegations
* Promoted from Communication Executive (apprentice) to International Relations Executive (fixed-term contract)
- Edited internal specifications proposals to develop competitive procedures and strategies
- Definition of objectives
- Definition of a market intelligence process
Sanofi Pasteur
- Travelers Range Assistant (apprentice)
Lyon2008 - 2009 * Provided logistics for the international exhibition - traveler illnesses ;
- Wrote meeting minutes
- Planning of speakers
- Project logistics
* Coordinated the relation with an Agency to translate the Franchise website in three languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese)
EFFIA Transport
- Intranet Project Executive (internship)
Paris2008 - 2008 - Drew up specifications for IT personnel to set up the Intranet
- Edited strategic memorandums and media support for a shared won tenders-related Intranet rubric - 7 subsidiaries of EFFIA
- Sales & Marketing Analyst
2007 - 2007* Analyzed 3 foreign corporate sales and marketing strategies (Multichoice, CanalSat, Sky TV): offers, sales prices and website
* Provided recommendations ;
* The report was presented to the Board Administration in South Africa and validated
* Increased market shares resulting from effective positioning
- Student & Health Insurance Sales Executive (student job)
Lyon2006 - 2006 * Selling of student health insurances - Best results ever registered on the site