


En résumé

Clinical director with a large experience in Healthcare Systems implementation for Hospitals and clinics in different countries from the direction of a project, functional requirements implementation, Clinical adoption and Executive director of an account.

Johanna starts at the Medical Information Office for a 500 beds hospital in the Parisian region, follow by her experience as Integration Architect for 2000 beds academic Hospital in France.
Leader for Integrations Architects for France and Spain.
She moves to a position as a Physician Executive and participate in projects in Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Spain on Clinical Adoption.
Johanna moved to Spain to take in charge Clinical Adoption during the implementation of a regional academic hospital and take the Client Executive responsibly for a Hospital that was award during this time for Level 6 HIMSS and nominated for level 7.
On December 2011, Johanna moves to Canada as Chief Medical Officer taking different responsibilities as providing consulting support services for Physician community in hospitals across Canada, Driving development of Cerner Canada Standard Content and Providing support for Cerner Canada sales team.

Clinical Adoption/Transformation,
Project Management,
Clinical worflows transformation
Healthcare systems implementation.
Experienced clinical change management and services
International experience with different countries hospitals.
MASc on computer systems engineering.

Mes compétences :
Systèmes d'information


  • Wolters Kluwer - VP of Clinical Solutions & Development at Wolters Kluwer Health

    Saint-Ouen 2014 - maintenant The VP of Clinical Development & Informatics for Clinical Solutions supervises and provides leadership to Medical Content Research and Development Specialists, and Medical Content Research and Development Clinicians for ProVation MD and Clinic Note product lines.
  • CERNER - Chief of Medical Officer at Cerner Corporation Canada

    Courbevoie 2011 - 2014 Providing consulting support services for Physician community in hospitals across Canada including North York General Hospital, London Health Science Centre, Prince Edward Island Healthcare Authority, Victoria Island Healthcare Authority and Northern Healthcare Authority. Driving development of Cerner Canada Standard Content. Creating Cerner Canada-wide Forum. Developing relationships with Provincial and National Government, and National Associations. Participating in National Healthcare IT conferences. Providing support for Cerner Canada sales team.
  • Cerner - Physician Executive EMEA Region at Cerner Corporation France

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2010 Worked with Medical directors and hospital boards of different academic hospitals and clinics to improve the system adoption, in Spain, France, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Egypt. Assisted Cerner client physicians to achieve maximal benefit from electronic documentation, Computerized Physician Order Entry, and workflow redesign. Interacted and worked with consulting teams. Provided support for the sales team.
  • CERNER - Team Lead Integration Architects France & Spain

    Courbevoie 2007 - 2008 Managed a large team of consultants during a full-scope Millennium implementation in a 2000 bed academic hospital. Directed design, integration of solutions, and technical project management. Assisted the sales team by adapting and presenting content for clinical relevance.
  • CERNER - Architecte d'Integration

    Courbevoie 2006 - 2007
  • Centre Hospitalier de Rambouillet - Chargée de Mission

    2004 - 2005 Implemented the new national coding system for physicians. Developed a physician training program and drove adoption for HIT system. Assisted in the selection of a new archiving system.



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