
Jonathan SOREAU

St Julien les Metz

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Accessibilité aux personnes handicapées
Recrutement par approche directe
Conseil en recrutement
Microsoft Office


  • Startpeople - Recruitment Consultant

    St Julien les Metz 2014 - 2015 Select applicants by checking the best match between their skills and the jobs offered (temporary or permanent jobs) by local companies specialized in logistics

    HR / Recruitment :
    - Order management
    - Applicants reception
    - Job analysis and job profiles compilation
    - Sourcing
    - Application filtering
    - Telephone pre-screening
    - Competency based interviews
    - Dealing with daily clients requirements

    Administration :
    - Arranging medical examinations
    - HR documentation preparation (employments contracts, terminations)
    - Reminder to clients
  • JLO Conseil - Customer Service Agent

    Villefranche-sur-Saône 2014 - 2014 Mission : Inform and assist companies to satisfy their needs to employ a number limited of handicapped workers

    - Managing incoming and outgoing calls.
    - Advicing companies about their possibilities of subsidies and orientate them with organizations specialized in Handicap field
    - Scheduling appointments by telephone
  • JLO Conseil - Junior Recruiter

    Villefranche-sur-Saône 2012 - 2013 Fulfill the companies’ recruitment needs to have their obligation of the numbers of handicapped workers achieved

    - Sourcing, posting job offers (Monster y others specialized websites, database until 5000 candidates, job fairs)
    - Application filtering
    - Use of behavioral interview techniques
    - Summaries of interviews to send to clients
    - Search of partnership
    - Assisting in the development of a new job search website
    - Training of recruitment process to students interns
  • Capfi Technology - Junior Recruiter

    2011 - 2011 - Identifying, approaching and attracting qualified candidates
    - Phone screening
    - Interviewing candidates
    - Follow-up of the candidates
  • Adecco parcours et emploi - Job Advisor Consultant

    Villeurbanne 2011 - 2011 - Assessing Professional plans
    - Managing individuals interviews
    - Training in improving Curriculum and cover letter presentations
    - Supporting candidates for motivation interviews preparations


  • Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin

    Lyon 2010 - 2011 Licence professionnelle Gestion des Ressources Humaines
  • Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 LP GRH (Lyon)

    Lyon 2010 - 2011 Licence professionnelle Gestion des Ressources Humaines
  • St Giles College (Eastbourne)

    Eastbourne 2008 - 2009 General English

    Advanced class
  • Lycée Ecole Nationale De Commerce

    Paris 2006 - 2008 BTS AG PME PMI


Annuaire des membres :