- IT Consultant
2013 - maintenant
I joined the SFEIR team as an IT engineer specialized in Java and Web Front-End development.
Technical environment: J2E, Spring 3, Hibernate, AngularJS, Bootstrap 3, GWT/GXT, Oracle, MongoDB, Glassfish 3/4, JIRA, Hudson, SonarQube, SVN, Git
- Web Developer
2012 - 2013
Development of websites using Google Web Toolkit, and Google App Engine infrastructure, J2E and Javascript on behalf of several companies and on my own account.
Technical environment: J2E, GWT, Google Appengine
CRP Henri Tudor
- R&D Engineer
2010 - 2012
Project ICASE- Data Mining applied on Computer-Based Assessment.
ICASE is a R&D project in the domain of e-assessment and e-learning. I was in charge of the Data Mining part of the project. The goal was to propose, to compare and to develop data mining techniques based upon testee models in order to obtain relevant information about testee’s behaviors.
Project CLAIRVOYANT - Data Fusion applied on Decision Support System.
ICASE is a R&D project in the domain of decision-support system. I was in charge of data fusion part while I took part of the subsequent Multi-Agent process of the system. The goal was to propose and to develop data fusion algorithms which helps the system in taking relevant decision on the basis of incomplete, imprecise and sometimes opposite information. The targeted application was the risk management of road traffic.
Technical environment: Java SE, BNJ (Bayesian Network tools in Java), Java Agent Development
Framework ( Java RMI, JNDI ), Java Weka, Eclipse
- Business Analyst
2009 - 2009
As a Business Analyst, my role was to define and to analyze customer needs while in the other hand I managed the technical implementation with the support of the software developers.
Technical environment: C#, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et des Technologie
- Enseignant vacataire
2005 - 2006
Chargé d’enseignement pendant deux semestres à l’Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et des Technologies (ENSSAT) à
Lannion dans les modules suivants:
- Initiation à la programmation
- Spécificités en langage C
Orange Labs
- Stagiaire - Ingénieur
2004 - 2004
Étude des systèmes d’information en dialogue naturel en situation de négociation de créneaux horaires, à différentes phases d’exécution :
o Traitement du langage
o Calcul de réaction du système
o Représentation de la connaissance
Conception et développement d’un prototype dédié à la prise de rendez-vous chez un professionnel de la santé – prototype basé sur la technologie de conception de systèmes dialoguant ARTIMIS (conçu par Orange Labs)
Pour information :
La technologie ARTIMIS : http://www.camefi.com/moodle/uploaddata/1/voix%20intelligentes.pdf
Orange Labs
- R&D Engineer
2004 - 2007
At Orange Labs, I was a R&D engineer in the domain of voice applications. I developed mathematical algorithms and software functionalities which enabled a machine to interact in a natural way with a human being. I worked especially on knowledge management, natural language processing, semantics techniques and on artificial reasoning techniques.
Technical environment: Java SE, Java Agent Development Framework (JRMI , JNDI), Servlet,
Swing/AWT, VoiceXML, JDBC / PostgréSQL, Eclipse, Prolog
Simulog Technologies
- Stagiaire - Ingénieur
2003 - 2003
Conception et développement d’une application en C dédiée à la conversion de maillages graphiques. Utilisée en interne, une attention particulière a été portée sur la portabilité de l’application sous les différentes stations de l’équipe (PC, Sun, etc.)
Simulog Technologies se nomme à présent Distene (http://www.distene.com)