
Koenraad DE BOODT


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Business Development
Business management
Strategy Management


  • Enginium People & Projects - Managing Director

    2012 - maintenant Enginium People & Projects response to the high demand of engineers and technical skilled people.
    Three divisions are at your disposal:

    Talent: Inflow of engineers into your organization. Our profiles are high potentials, coming from Belgium and European Universities, supported by the Enginium personal development program.

    Experts: Interim managers, project leaders, supply chain managers and technical professionals, with an outstanding track record, for your assignments or temporary functions.

    Projects: Insourcing of the ‘technical based’ activities.

    Ready for co-creation? Contact us for more information kdeboodt@enginiumgroup.com or visit our website www.enginiumgroup.com
  • T-Core - Member of the board

    2006 - 2010 T-Core is an independent organisation active in treasury and risk management. In 2010 it became Deloitte Treasury Solutions.
  • ORMIT - Sales Director

    2004 - 2012 ORMIT is a management development organisation. My role was to expand the business in terms of new assignments and customers. As a result ORMIT had a significant growth and became a well know player on the talent development market.
  • Omega Pharma - division Omega Soft - Sales Director

    Chatillon Cedex 2003 - 2004 Omega Pharma took over several small Medical IT companies. The challenge was to streamline the different software solutions, improve the customer satisfaction and to make the business profitable. In less than one year we achieved our goal settings.
  • Arthur Andersen - Senior Manager Business Consulting

    St. Charles 2000 - 2002 Business development of the Arthur Andersen Business Consulting Services e.g. Supply Chain, CRM, SAP implementations in the SME market,....
  • BaaN Business Systems - Sales Director

    1995 - 2000 Sales manager
    Responsible for projects and business development of BaaN and the new components e.g. Portals, CRM, BW...
  • CSC (Mainware/Mainsoft) - Account Manager

    1992 - 1994 Account Manager and consultant for hardware, software and services for large industrial accounts, banking and government.
  • Inelco Electronics - Sales Engineer

    1989 - 1990 Sales engineer active components responsible for large accounts
  • Foundation De Boodt - Maselis - Co-founder

    1989 - maintenant The international Centre for Eremology -ICE- was founded by Em.Prof.Dr.ir.M.F. De Boodt, as a reaction to the disastrous droughts Sahelian countries were suffering from since the early 1970's. As such, a special branch of science was devoted to the study and management of drylands.
    The ICE is situated at Ghent University Belgium and offers a research base for a number of scientists and studants. From the base , many projects are organised in many dryland countries distributed over all continents. The Centre received in 2008 the UNESCO Chair on Eremology.
    The Foundation De Boodt-Maselis gives each year the 'Price De Boodt - Maselis' for promotion of studies and research in Eremology.


  • HUBrussel (Brussels)

    Brussels 1995 - 1996 Master ICT
  • HUBrussel (Brussels)

    Brussels 1988 - 1989 Commercial Engineer
  • HUBrussel (Brussels)

    Brussels 1984 - 1987 Master in commercials sciences, economics


Annuaire des membres :