
Laurence GÉRARD

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Quality Inspection Site Management on international projects.
Quality Management System Lead for a Operation and Maintenance Department for offshore wind turbines
Quality Manager for a Project of electrical substation positioned in a offshore wind farm.
LEAD Documentation Controller for a nuclear project
Quality Project Coordinator for Corean and Saudi Arabian projects

Mes compétences :
Sage Accounting Software
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Lotus 1-2-3
Ciel Paye
Adobe Photoshop
Team Management
Quality Management Systems
ISO 900X Standard
Offshore Wind
Operations and Maintenance
Wind Farms
Reactive Maintenance
Wind Turbines
System Design
Detailed Design
Management of certification and habilitation
Management of working hours and additional work
Quality Management
professionnal experience
SAS System > SAS Statistical Package
Solid Edge


  • Schneider Electric - Quality Inspection Site Management

    Rueil Malmaison 2018 - maintenant Site management on the quality phases for Tenguiz Project. After assembly of switchboards, organization and management for installation, Quality inspection, IFat, Fat, Punch list clearance, packing, and pick up.
    Expediting on the Tenguiz Project splitted in four phases : Sealift1 - Sealift2- Field - Sealift 3.
    My role is as following :
    - Follow up of supplier's furniture (qualité, quantity, Non conformity, missing etc....)
    - Managing organization of quality phases as follows :
    - installation
    - Quality inspection
    - Testing
    - SEL
    - FAT
    - Punch list treatment
    - packing
    - Pick up

    Interfaces with Schneider Management and Site operation.
    Management of contractual delivery dates, cubicles quality, missing spares, site operation quality inspectors.
    Planning of manufacturing phases
    Organization of weekly meetings for products quality
    Issuing of a daily status for the project included indicators

    Management 40 persons
  • Stx France Solutions - Quality Manager

    Saint Nazaire 2018 - 2018 P34 Project - Quality Final Documentation Management. Customer EON Arkona Gmbh
    Objective :
    - In charge of the final Quality documentation of the P34 Project. Very bad status of the doc delivery (0% delivered in April)- Punch action on the documentation.
    - Very short notice for delivery before contractual financial penalities from the Customer and the Provisionnal acceptance date on site.
    - Definition and management of an action plan in order to create, and send 90 MRB (Manufacturing Record Book)
    - Scheduling and leading of Engineering and Quality meetings (weekly) to collect documentation – review and progress.
    - Control of documents
    - Management 5 personnes
    Result :
    - For the Provisionnal Acceptance on site, progress of the Project 98% (delivered in July 2018)
    - Acquisition of additional skills (Team Management – punch action on the project – short delay)
  • GE Energy - Quality Management System Lead

    BELFORT CEDEX 2017 - 2017 - In charge of the organization of Service Department which is the Operation and Maintenance Part of the GE Renewable Offshore Wind Cie. 7 Departments are included in Service
    - EHS
    - Project
    - Quality Process
    - Site Operation
    - Sales
    - Spares & Tools
    - Technical Support
    Implementation of procedures, processes and guide lines in order to facilitate the work and communication inside the Department and also improve interfaces with other departments
    In charge of preparing Audit Iso 9001 for Service. Certification ISO 9001 for 3 years time.

    - Driving the deployment, maintenance and improvement of the Quality Management System inside Service Department
    - Leading of the Service interface for Offshore Management system including business management system, changement management system, documentation management system and audits.
    _ Driving of QMS implementation in compliance with Offshore guidelines
    - Develop and monitor indicators
    - plan and edit the quality management system internal audits and close the action plans associated with the audit results
    - integrate the operational quality instructions into the overall quality management system
  • SIDES SRL - Quality Project Coordinator

    2016 - 2016 Quality Project Coordinator
    In charge of Quality Documentation - Quality Inspections - MIM files (SONATRACH)
    - Coordination between Purchase Department - Manufacturing Department and Delivery Department
    - Shipment of equipments
    - FAT Inspections
    - Packing Inspections
    - Punch Lists
    - In charge of Quality inspections and documentation for pressurized vessels- Implementation of technical and Quality documents for following up of Projects
    - Coordination between purchase department, project department, manufacturing department, sub suppliers and customers.
    - Organization of inspections (equipments under pressure – pipings)
    - Control of penetrant tests (ASME VII Standard – EN 13445 Standard)
    - Organization of Factory Acceptance Tests
    - Generating of quality documents as (ITP – Procedures – Data Sheets, etc…)
    - Generating and follow up of quality manuals submitted to the Miinistry of Industry Algeria
    - Follow up of Punch Lists and closing
    - Organization of packing and shipment
    - Review of data book on TPI’s inspection
    - Management 2 persons
  • SIDES - Project Quality Management

    2016 - 2016 Project Quality Management - Sides SRL - Saint-Nazaire(44) - Manufacturing of Fire Fighting trucks and ambulances
    Objective :
    * In charge of international projects (quality documentation and equipments)
    * Coordination between purchase dept., Engineering dept., Manufacturing dept., suppliers and customers.
    * Organization and follow up of inspections, documentation test controls, FAT, Punch list and Non conformities.
    * Tests follow up ( ASME VII standard (Welding) - EN 13445 (equipments under pressure)
    * Management 2 persons
    Result :
    * Delivery of 35 fire fighting trucks to Sonatrach - 10 trucks to other countries
    * Acquisition of additional skills for spares and components control and inspections (vessels under pressure etc...) - Punch Lists management - Non conformity management
    * Follow up of inspections at Supplier's.

    Technical Skills

    * ISO 9001 version 2015
    * Asme VIII standard- welding
    * Norme EN 13445-3 Equipement under pressure
    * Management of Non conformity
    * Management of FAT Inspections
    * Définition et creation of technical and quality documents
    * Technical translation


    * Pack Office
    * Lotus - Oracle - Sage et Ciel paie
    * Photoshop
    * SAP
    * Solid Edge 2D
    * Documentum
    * STX France (Share-eDMS)


    * Management in Human Resources (Nantes) 2002
    * Master Modern Languages English-Spanishl (Rennes) 1985


    * English : bilingual
    * Spanish: correct

    And also,
    * Hiking
    * Swimming
    * Litterature
    * Tinkering - decorating
  • MAN Diesel & Turbo France SAS - Lead Doc Control & Project Management Support

    Villepinte 2014 - 2015 24 Janv. 2014
    - Lead Doc Control -MAN Diesel & Turbo France SAS - Site de Saint-Nazaire.
    31 Octobre 2015: - Assistante Direction Projet Bilingue - Lead Doc Control -MAN Diesel & Turbo France SAS
    ANGRA 3 Project Bresil (Nuclear Power Unit)
    Providing of 4 PA6B Diesel engines + Generators + Auxiliaries
    Implementation and Management of the LDD (List of Documents to be Delivered)
    - Project Management Documents
    - Technical Documents
    - QA/QC documents (Test & Examination Sequence plans, etc…)
    - EHS Documents
    - End of Manufacturing documents (to go to Commissioning & Installation)
    These documents are splitted in 4 categories :
    - System design (Project)
    - Basic design (Procedures TESP)
    - Detailed design (Reports)
    - Final Design (Commissioning Installation)
    The 4 categories are splitted in Doc Packages.
    Manage the creation and updates of documents with
    - Man Internal engineering department – quality management
    - Customer (AREVA Gmbh)
    - Suppliers (auxiliaries)
    Creation of procedures for continuous improvement of the workflow
    Management of the workflow.
    - Issuing of documents in the AREVA workflow system
    - Collecting of the documents to be reviewed or rejected
    Codification of documents with their appropriate doc package
    - Depending on the Doc Package the TÜV Nord is the third party approving or rejecting.
    Issuing of a progress report with the monthly report
    Control and management of updates on LDD documents
    - Alerts and schedule of dates for issuing documents (collaboration with the project planner)
    Bi weekly workshops with the Customer
    Bi weekly workshops with the suppliers
    Approval of payments to suppliers
    update of project quality documents
    Issuing of documents (management 2 persons)
    Control of reviews
    Follow up of general project schedule
    Management of the project communication
    Internal Reporting – Suppliers and Customer reporting
  • Man Diesel & Turbo - Project & Quality Documentation Manager

    Saint-Nazaire 2014 - 2015 ( AGAP 2 Engineering Company)
    MAN Diesel & turbo France SAS - Saint Nazaire - Angra 3 Nuclear Project BRAZIL - Providing of 4 diesel engines 18PA6B + generator + Auxiliaries - Customer AREVA Gmbh
    Objective :
    * Implementation of the Project documentation. (Definition et creation of the list to be delivered)
    * Follow up, review and updating of the documents until delivery to the customer.
    * Follow up of TÜV Nord approval.
    * Follow up, review and updating of suppliers documentation.
    * Management of the customer documentation reviews.
    Result :
    * Delivery of System Design - Basic Design and Detailed Design
    * Acquisition of additional skills on internal and suppliers follow up of technical and quality documentation.
  • Snc Lavalin - Technical translator- Project Management

    Ivry-sur-Seine 2012 - 2013 Technical translator- Project Management - SNC Lavalin S. A.S Reims France) -Jazan Grain Silos and Ancillary Facilities Project - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • SNC Lavalin - Project Management and Lead Doc Control

    Ivry-sur-Seine 2012 - 2013 Administrative Organization and Management
    - Implementation of the administrative office (Issuing and filing of documents and communication regarding the project)
    - Implementation of the document control and management (contract documents, flow sheets, particular specifications)
    - Implementation of communication with the several participants to the project.
    - Organization of mails and of sent and received official documents
    - Management of entering and outgoing documents
    Translation (70% of the job)
    - Entering and outgoing mails and letters
    - Call for Tender
    - Service Scope
    - General technical specifications
    - General administrative specifications
    - Technical notices – working studies
    - Particular technical specifications for required equipments
    - General Safety and Quality Plan
    Translation of tender, service scope and technical documents relative to the project « New Port Project » State of Qatar.
    Translation of tender, service scope and technical documents relative to the project “Grain Terminal” in Constanta – Country of Rumania.
  • JACOBS Engineering - QSE Management

    Pasadena 2008 - 2012 JACOBS Engineering France - TMM Elengy Project- Montoir de Bretagne (France) - Revamping of the Terminal - 4 working phases.
    Objective :
    * Management of the site facility - (50 supervisors sur site)
    * Control of documentation and implementation drawings and schedule of work
    * Management of working hours and additional work
    (Daily report)
    * Collaboration with the quality department and cost department
    * Management of certification and habilitation on site.
    * Control of sub suppliers (allowed to N+1)
    * Control and update of subsuppliers working approval datesContrôle
    * Achievement and control of safety plans and related amendment
    * Site Security walk through
    Result :
    * Acquisition of additional skills in Quality Security and Environment
    * Acquisition of skills in team management, quality and HSE management
    * Knowledge of safety plans - habilitations - qualifications
  • Société JACOBS France - Project Management- HR Management

    2008 - 2012 Société JACOBS France -Projet TMM Elengy- Site Montoir de Bretagne- Organization of meetings (weekly site works meeting – monthly steering comity – weekly and monthly quality and safety meeting etc...)
    - Rooms booking management
    - Taking of notes
    - Edition of meeting reports
    - Issuing of reports with Lotus Note JPI
    - Doc control
    - Translation of technical documents
    - Interpreter for the working foreign companies on the working zone
    - Achievement and updating of the vacation timetable up to six and twelve sliding months- Implementation of the project business directories for suppliers and client
    - Filing and follow up of the confidential documents and project official contract documents
    - Management of the working site orders for equipment or particular events
    - Management and control of the working hours and additional hours (Daily labour report)
    - Achievement of the staff expense
    - Management and control of travels (rotations and professional travels)
    - Collaboration with the quality and cost control department (achievement of official documents)
    - Centralization of the communication between suppliers and the client

    E.H.S . (Environment – Health - Safety)
    - Communication on site (bill sticking –meetings – «booster shots»)
    - Conception and issue of a monthly HSE newsletter
    - Management of the staff Safety equipments
    - Management of the site access procedure
    - Management of the site certifications
    - Follow up of the badge requests
    - Control of the subcontractors (allowed up to N+1)
    - Control and updating of the working approval ending dates
    - Management of the additional hours and follow up of the working hours for 2x8 shifts
    - Achievement and control of the safety plans of actions and related amendment
    - Follow up and weekly updating of the LISS document on twelve sliding months, which mentions the working hours for the whole participants to the project, the number of persons present on the site, the injuries, etc
  • Groupe AGF - Assistante de Direction

    2002 - 2008 Travail au sein d'un Groupe d'assurance dédiée à la personne, suivi administratif des dossiers, gestion de la
    Communication interne, gestion du parc automobile, conception et mise en œuvre des évènements.
  • Société CEC - Assistante de Direction bilingue

    1995 - 2000 Travail au sein d'une Société de Maîtrise d'œuvre, comptabilité, gestion des paies (50 salariés), déclarations
    Sociales et fiscales, participation au recrutement. Traduction rapports pour le Centre Ifremer Atlantique à Nantes.
  • diverses PMI PME - Export sales & Administrative Management

    1992 - 2002
  • Société ABALONE - Assistante de Direction bilingue

    1992 - 1995 Négociation et achat de produit alimentaire en provenance d'Asie, vente aux unités de production nationales,
    Suivi du contrôle sanitaire, gestion des dossiers administratifs.
  • Société PROMOPLAST - Responsable Commerciale export

    1989 - 1992 Création du service export en collaboration avec la Direction générale, prospection téléphonique à l'étranger,
    Réception, traduction et suivi des commandes, mise en œuvre des actions commerciales.


Annuaire des membres :