After a significant experience in Quality and Product Validation and Acceptance, I switched to another exciting challenge within the IOT area: managing industrialization, procurement and logistics.
My main activities for industrialization are:
- Setup-up, follow-up and track efficiency of the production lines
- BOM cost management,
- Components quantities forecast and procurement,
- Suppliers management to secure Mass Production
- RFQ for additional EMS
As part of Logistics:
- Setting up two warehouse (US & FRANCE) and financial aspects follow-up
- Setup and management of all the shipment from the factory to both warehouse.
- Setup and follow, shipments from Warehouse to Customers
- Manage the Customs process and documents.
During the 5 years in Robotics, I setup both Qualification and Quality departments, with a long experience in EMS quality management and follow up.
In the Set top box experience, I setup and led two Validation teams (France & India) for the retail market during more than 8 years.
Target and objective were present in each of the development phasis of a product lifecycle, interfacing with Product Managers, Software developers, Validation teams, Certification companies, Final customers, Aftercare team and call centers to improve overall quality.
I gained significant experience in: team management, final product acceptance, test strategy, requirement analysis + improvement proposals, test case scenarii development, exploratory testing, test automation, building off-shore tests equipment, certification management leading, problem analysis and maintenance phases leading, supplier and EMS management.
I have also more than 3 years experience in components Quality release and failure analysis: strategic ICs quality follow-up, test and measurement of specific component (electro-mechanical).
Mes compétences :
Assurance qualité
Gestion de projet
Electronic Components
Assembly Lines
Stock Control
Assembly Plants
Product Lifecycle Management
Set Top Box
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