


En résumé

Maria F. La Riva #1 International Bestseller Author of Ask And You Shall Receive, this time you will! is the daughter of a prominent politician and diplomat. While her father was ambassador in France, Maria was able to attend one of the best 2 boarding schools in Europe. She remembers the planes landing at the school’s private airport dropping off her friends on the first day of school and the small castles dormitories, where they all lived in. she was then transferred to a Palm Beach boarding school making English her 5th language and closed her school curriculum in outstanding Wellesley, MA.

She lived in 3 continents, gathering experience in international trade, psychology and managing companies such as the Palm Beach Polo Club Stadium.

A few years after her daughter was borne, she realized that connecting with people, writing and facilitating workshops was what brings her to life. “My life was not only roses, I also went through pretty harsh times,” she says. “I know, I’ve been there” is her most common sentence when coaching. People feel at ease with her, knowing she can understand them from personal experiences and think that if she could come to a tranquil state of mind being successful, then they would also be able to.

Her first book ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE: This time you will! Expresses ideas that she learned with Access Consciousness and is the base of her success. She applies these theories to empower people all around the world to be the power they are. Her book is being sold in all continents changing people’s life only after having read just a few pages “And that is a great satisfaction” she comments.

Mes compétences :
Transformational life coach


  • Access Consciousness - Access Consciousness BARS Facilitator

    NICE 2012 - maintenant
  • Inner Light - Nutrition Coach

    2010 - maintenant
  • Learning To Be - Holistic Life Coach

    1992 - maintenant



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