- Communications & Social Media Manager
2013 - maintenant
➢ Social media : create strategy and help secure social media cause for marketing and influencer partnerships
➢ Content management : write content for the brand blog and website
➢ Build and edit e-communications using tools such as wordpress, Joomla, Spip, Twitter, internal blogs
➢ Community management (Facebook, Twitter, G+...) : content and animation
➢ Commercial and corporate communication : events management, leaflets and brochures creation...
➢ Business development support: studies, business intelligence, press review...
➢ PR: relation with the agency, support identification, document research
- Marketing et communications manager junior
2013 - 2013
➢ Commercial and corporate communication : events management, leaflets and brochures creation...
➢ Business development support: studies, business intelligence, press review...
➢ PR: relation with the agency, support identification, document research
Marine is Cooking
- Food blogger
2012 - maintenant
➢ Blog management and indexation : www.marineiscooking.com (10 000 visits/months, 837 followers), presence on different platforms : ptifchef, cuisicook, yanncook, cuisineAZ, recettes.de. SEO, SEM.
➢ Community Management : Facebook (3 000 fans), Twitter (482 abonnés), Pinterest, Hellocoton (400 abonnés)
➢ Partnerships : Kusmi Tea, Mastrad, My American Market, Soignon, Innoncent, Jeff de Bruges, Lotus, Birambeau, Monin and some more.
➢ PR and events: interview and photo shooting (Mastrad), Golden Blog Awards, Rendez-vous gourmand Gastronomiz, Salon Cuisinez etc.…
➢ Writing : Cookbook for Cuisinella, recipes for Gloria
- Digital communication manager junior
2012 - 2012
➢ Web projects management : website restructuring (specifiactions, wording : www.actelin.com), community management (Facebook, Twitter), web strategy for mobile Apps (IOS, Android) , budget and planning management, briefing (clients and internal contractors)
➢ Improvment of the digital strategy of the company : market analysis, business intelligence, business plan writing.
➢ Digital and print communication plan(Corporate, HR and mobiles apps) : leaflets, brochures, and roll-up. Work in collaboration with business units directors and graphists.
➢ Internal and external communications: newsletters, PR coordination, presentation
➢ Events : logistics, budget management, contractors monitoring
- Marketing Manager Assistant
2010 - 2011
➢ Commercial projects management: demonstration briefcase creation (planning, budget and contractors), international events organization
➢ Development of commercial tools (leaflets, brochures...): wording, creation, relations with contractors (graphists, printers...)
➢ Digital tools development (intranet, extranet and websites) : wording, updates, architecture and SEO.
➢ Setting-up and adaptation of the new graphic charter in France and abroad (China, Germany...