


En résumé

With a successful experience as Productivity Buyer and Purchasing Controller in Valeo, I am now looking for a new opportunity in the Purchasing Area. Immediately available.
A la recherche d'un poste d'Acheteur. Disponible immédiatement.

Mes compétences :
Achats internationaux
Contrôle de Gestion Achats


  • Valeo Thermal System - Productivity Buyer and Purchasing Controller

    2011 - maintenant  Productivity Buyer :
    • Managed Commodities with a global annual purchasing turnover of 15Musd (2012) ;
    • Dealt with the Supplier Relationship Management ;
    • Achieved successful negotiation on the Electronics Commodity based on a benchmark study ;
    • Consolidated and reduced the supplier panel by 25% on the Foams Commodity ;
    • Implemented technical productivities on Foams (-2% costs reduction) through QCDI Workshop ;
    • Managed components resourcing from Europe to NAFTA region ;
    • Benchmark (RFQ launches), LPP improvements and Cost breakdown analyses to identify and provide efficiently more focused supply cost reductions.

     Purchasing Controller :
    • Prepared the budget with the Finance Department ;
    • Controlled the activities of the Purchasing Department (price changes approval, daily control of SAP) ;
    • Followed up the market trends and fluctuations regarding Raw material and Exchange rate ;
    • Managed on time the purchasing reports to be handled to the Business Group ;
    • Improved the efficiency and performance of the purchasing control tools ;
    • Analyzed the material consumption of the site and calculated the purchasing index on a monthly basis.
  • Valeo Thermal System - Productivity Buyer

    2010 - 2010 • Junior Buyer for the Cutting/Stamping Commodity ;
    • Supported the Raw material (aluminium) purchases : managed coil slitting requests ;
    • Created monthly reports regarding QCDI indicators ;
    • Managed the e-sourcing platform Synertrade : RFQ launches and results analysis for projects.
  • Printemps - Commercial Manager Assistant

    Paris 2009 - 2009 • Managed and organized business events with local partners ;
    • Prospected for new partnerships ;
    • Managed indoor and outdoor communication ;
    • Participated actively in the drawing up of the 2010 strategy of the store.



Annuaire des membres :