


En résumé

Strong international HR exposure, including experience evolving in different internationnal cultures and different environments

Dual experience in operational HR management in fast growth environments (regional and global perimeters) and corporate transversal roles (Talent Development, HR pratcices and rules harmonisation)

Strong project culture, change management and organization development skills

Recognized business partner and trusted advisor to management on sensitive people issues

Driven by team spirit, learning, challenge and the opportunity to make a difference

In the current position :
In order to make the most of the opportunities offered by the Asia Pacific fast-growing markets, Groupe Bel put in place a dedicated organization for Asia Pacific. My n°1 challenge is to draw and implement this new organization and to ensure that we could staff our structures with adequate profiles to sustain our growth, in all areas: marketing, sales, product development, manufacturing and all support functions.

This means a lot of sourcing, recruiting, training, development and retention. This also means working on the organization structures to provide people career paths that help them become solid, competent senior managers.

Last but not least, supporting our growth also required the development of efficient and easy processes for managers to use wherever they are, anchoring a consistent and stimulating management culture within the zone.

Mes compétences :
Ressources Humaines
Droit social
Gestion de carrières
Formation professionnelle


  • Groupe Bel - Asia Pacific Human Resource Director

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Strategy & Organizations
    Participate in the strategic planning of the Zone and draw a new organisation (marketing, finance, etc.)
    Asses strengths and weaknesses of the existing HR organization (zone, country, plants)
    Manage the HR part of the Budget process for the Zone: headcounts, total payroll costs, HR investments
    Supports the managers of the zone in their thinking on the organizational evolutions and sets up the means for the success of the projects: change management, organizational diagnostic…

    Resources and Talent Management
    Develop a global vision of the resources of the zone: people reviews, evaluation, detection of the potentials, succession planning. Secure key people and key positions. Ensures :
    - Fair levels of performance expected
    - Relevant articulation of individual goals with the challenges of the country
    - Consistency in the cascade of objectives
    Develop competencies and training: ensure quality and consistency with Zone strategy, develop zone specific training

    Recruitment, integration and mobility:
    -Establishe the prospective needs depending on the operational plan
    - Realizes the recruitments of the people under direct responsibility and ensures of the quality of the others
    - Ensure the quality of the integration of new co-operators at internal / external level
    - Improve the Bel employer branding in all Bel Zone countries with the relevant tools and actions.

    “People First” program
    Develop and implement key programs (Engagement survey, Social Charter, Work-Life balance, feedback culture…)

    HR core processes
    Lead the People review process, Annual Performance process, Career management, HR/Career interview with key people

    Security and work conditions
    Ensure that the primary conditions of individual and collective security are respected in the different implantations.
    Prepare, formalize and implement zone C&B policies in the required areas, consistent with the Group’s standards (travel, car, compensation, incentives, benefits ...),
  • Groupe Bel -  HR Manager - BU France and Corporate

    Paris 2010 - 2013 Common missions :
    Participate into the definition of the HR strategy and policy of the concerned BusinessUnit and implement them
    Manage organizational changes by anticipating social impacts
    Ensure HR operational management on the perimeter
    Skills development / wage / annual appraisals / mobility /training/ dsiciplinary
    Definition of recruitment plans, profiles with manager and recruitment methods
    Recruitment and mobility: form the need definition to the induction of new comers
    Definition and implementation of the training plan

    Business Unit « France »
    End 2011 – end 2013: 300 people (Marketing, Sales : retail and foodservice, SC, Finance)
    France : 500 M€ turnover – 1st BU of the group
    Work alongside the Business Unit as a Business Partner by implementing needed HR processes (wage, career opportunities, recognition, training and skills development) ,
    Animate trade unions and in charge of labor negotiations: Managing social relations based on dialogue and mutual understanding for the French sales force

    Transversal Function HR Manager
    2010 – 2011: 270 people on 4 sites
    Professionalize transversal and support functions: Group marketing. Central R&D centers, Group industrial (Supply Chain, Purchase, Industrial Performance, Quality, Regulations) :
    -Develop a comprehensive HR vision and build up and implement the HR strategic plan
    - Work alongside and advice the VPs and their teams, as a Business Partner in the HR strategic plan definition in line with business stakes
    - Develop group skills reference guides and associated training programs at an international scale
    - Explore people review results, identify potentials and define individual development plan and foster international mobilities
  • GROUPE BEL - Plant HR Manager

    Paris 2009 - 2010 300 employees

    Manage employees from HR point of view: Recruitment, HR administration, Qualifications and wages, Disciplinary,
    Manage social relationship and trade unions meetings, with the Plant Director (French institutions: CE, DP, CHSCT)
    Elaborate anf implement training plan, by developing speicifc and qualifying training programs
    Boost and implement the Saefty policy (accident analysis, prevention, etc.)
    Advice managers for coaching and managing their team on a daily basis
    Implement the adequate HR tools to help managers and employees
  • Groupe BEL - HR Project Leader

    Paris 2008 - 2009 Manage HR projects for the French plants and training development for the Group Industrial HR Director
    Industrial HR coordination
    Standardization of HR practices in HR and social matters and sharing of the best practices on training, skills assessment, job classification, health & safety rules.
    Support in consultation and negotiation with trade unions
    Negotiation and management of framework agreements cadres
    Redaction of social information of annual activity report
    Coordination of job classification – method Centor (blue-collar workers) et hay (white-collar workers)
    Occupational safety & health

    Industrial operations training
    Development of communication tools on training disposals for the entire group
    Organization of international meetings
    Construction of industrial training tools

    France disabled integration policy
    Proposition of a policy and implementation of actions in order to contribute to disabled staff employment
  • Nestlé Waters Marketing et Distribution - HR Assistant Manager

    2007 - 2008 400 employees (Marketing, Sales (retail and foodservice) and Supply Chain on - multi sites

    Recruitment and departures

    Harmonization of rules on several sites of production (collective bargaining with trade unions) following mergers: negotiation and implementation of new rules (classification, wage policy, working time, illness, contracts, etc.) ;

    Operational Management/ Administrative HR of 400 technicians and executives on multi-sites employees (working hours, medical examination, work-related injuries, mutual and forestalling, etc.) ;

    Disciplinary: participation in the process, advice to managers

    Social projects : site relocation, workforce and budget optimization, negotiation mutual/forestalling, optimization program of business Nestlé Waters (Global) ;

    2005 - 2006 ruitment :
    Recruitment of work/study contracts (external and internal mobility), of interns and formalization of corresponding procedures
    Participation in “GPEC” (Forward-looking Management of employment and proficiency)
    Management of Temporary Work
    Implementation of breakfast-checks for temp workers and formalization of procedures

    Relations with social partners :
    Preparation and participation of different meetings with social partners
    Management of legal case issues

    Preparation of Career Board :
    Salary curve development and wage level comparison of supervisor staff

    Training :
    Implementation of a new scheme: formalisation of on-the-job trainings, creation of individualized training paths and skills assessment.
    2006 training plan
    Creation of a kit about the vocational training reforms for managers
    Creation of an assessment booklet for interns and mentors during managerial trainings
    Audit on security trainings

    Skills management:
    Revision of skills reference guides

  • UIMM (Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie) - Chargé de mission au Service des Affaires européennes et internationales

    2003 - 2004 - Réponse aux questions des chambres syndicales adhérentes
    - Veille de l’actualité sociale européenne et internationale
    - Recherche de jurisprudence européenne
    - Organisation de réunions patronales européennes de la métallurgie
    - Synthèses et traductions (anglais et allemand vers le français) pour les publications mensuelles du service
    - Rédaction de comptes-rendus de réunions (OIT)
    - Présentation des missions du Service aux nouveaux collaborateurs des chambres syndicales de l’UIMM
  • UIMM (Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie) - Research Manager

    2003 - 2004 Legal advised for adherent chambers
    Worked out an European and international news watching
    Participated in lobbying among European decision-making body
    Organised European meetings for employers federations
    Drew up UIMM positions
    Wrote synthesizes and translated articles (English and German to French) for monthly publications
    Worked out reunion reports (French organizations: AFOIT, AFERP, DAEI, etc.)
    Presented department missions to new UIMM chamber partners
  • ROYAL SUN ALLIANCE Londres et Liverpool - Assistante Responsable Communication interne et externe

    2001 - maintenant - Conception du contenu pédagogique d’un Intranet dédié à la mobilité interne internationale (mutualisation des compétences et expérience des salariés)
    - Etudes comparatives des dépenses publicitaires des agences anglaises
    - Mise à jour annuelle du Press Book des publicités
    - Recherche de mécénat (pour une journée de lutte contre la leucémie)
  • Autres expériences - Divers

    1996 - 2002 - 2002 - 2003 : Equipière au MC DONALD’S Commerce à Nantes.
    - Avril-août 1999 : Co-organisatrice des Journées du Livre (120 écrivains) pour une librairie à Sablet en Provence.
    - Avril-mai 1998 : Modèle pour les marques Cacharel et Darel à Avignon (84).
    - Juil 1997& 1998 : Manutentionnaire à la Maison de la Presse à Carpentras.
    - Noël 1996 : Hôtesse d’accueil dans une parfumerie à Carpentras.



Annuaire des membres :