


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Négociation commerciale
Prospection commerciale


  • GL Events - Chargé de Communication

    Brignais 2013 - maintenant
  • GIFI - Analyste Marketing

    Villeneuve 2013 - 2013
  • B-PREMIUM - Madrid, Espagne - Agent Commercial

    2011 - 2012 Helping Private Companies or Public Entities to promote their image through international media representations such as :
    - Eurosport TV
    - 126 Airlines Companies
    - Football clubs in all professional leagues
    - Outdoor promotions (billboards, taxis, etc.), in the biggest cities of Europe (Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Londres...)
  • SPOCS Sports Consultants - Madrid, Espagne - Chargé de Communication

    2011 - 2012 Company with 2 Activities. One under the name of SPOCS and the second under the name of B-PREMIUM.
    - Representing Football players, helping them through their career, finding them new clubs.
    - Working at SPOCS Center : Football Camp where professional football players who are currently looking for a club practice all year long. The objective is to find them a new club.
  • Lindenwood University - Marketing Project Manager - Group Activity (Lindenwood University)

    2010 - 2010 ADVERTISING PRICE
    - Communication Plan made for the start of a new car (Chevy Cruze)
    - Real budget Management for all the communication plan
    - Realization of two TV commercials, slogan made (one of the commercial used by Chevrolet for an American TV channel – FoxSport Midwest)
  • Tennis Club Villeneuvois - Tennis Coach

    2006 - 2007 Teaching Tennis 10 Hours a week while I was in High School :
    - Reception and tennis lessons given (7-9/12-14 years old kids)
    - Conditioning practices taught


  • Lindenwood University (St Charles, Mo, Usa)

    St Charles, Mo, Usa 2007 - 2011 Sport Management and Marketing

    Bachelor's Degree in Sport Management - Overall Average : B
    Sport Scholarship received for 4 years - Played in the University Tennis Team
  • Lycée D'Enseignement Général Georges Leygues (Villeneuve-Sur-Lot

    Villeneuve-Sur-Lot (Lot-Et-Garonne) 2005 - 2007 BAC Sciences et Technologies de la Gestion

    Spécialités en Marketing et Comptabilité


Annuaire des membres :