
Mathilde SIMONIN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project Managment
Political science
Relations internationales
International Law
Conflict management
Monitoring Contract Implementation
Manage Projects
Raising Awareness
Project implementation
Management of international development and crisis
Donor Acquisition
Contractual management
Conflict Resolution
Civil Rights Law
Budget preparation


  • Association Caméléon - Responsible for Fundraising

    Paris 2017 - maintenant
  • Various - Translator

    2014 - maintenant
  • Transtec - Junior Project Manager

    2014 - 2016 cooperation:

    (i) Participate in the preparation of tender dossiers for multiple donors (EU, World Bank, DANIDA,
    DFID, UN agencies) on various themes and in various countries (specialized in governance, conflict
    prevention / resolution, human rights):

    * Manage the offer process: writing of the proposal, selection of experts, contractual
    arrangements with potential partners
    * Experts search : use the Transtec database and websites (Devex, LinkedIn), post
    advertisements on the company's website, collect the data and certificates of the selected
    experts, prepare contractual arrangements
    * Analyze the tender dossier : examine the tender dossier, research information on the local
    context and situation and on the various donors, analyze the experts' required profiles
    * Write methodologies: draft texts, research information and draft concept notes, formatting
    and proof-reading of offers
    * Budget preparation: prepare an indicative budget including the project's implementation,
    backstopping and managing costs

    (ii) Management of international development and crisis-management projects awarded to Transtec (in
    particular in conflict-prone countries such as South-Sudan or Syria):

    * Project implementation : ensure a smooth implementation, ensure that the expected results
    are achieved, be in constant contact with the experts in the field
    * Ensure financial monitoring : manage the project's budget, process the payment requests,
    invoices of working days and incidental fees
    * Contractual management: monitoring contract implementation, addressing related problems,
    incorporating necessary changes or modifications, ensuring communication between parties,
    assure achievement of objectives.
  • the Secours Populaire - Intern

    2013 - 2013 management of international solidarity projects
  • Permanent Mission of France at the UN - Intern

    2012 - 2012 : Intern at the Permanent Mission of France at the UN in New York, in the field of
    Human rights, humanitarian and social issues


  • University Of Kent (Canterbury)

    Canterbury 2010 - 2013 International Relations

    Joint degree, franco-british, in International Relations, International Relations and Affairs
  • University Of Kent (Canterbury)

    Canterbury 2010 - 2012 Bachelors degree
  • Institut D'Etudes Politiques

    Lille 2009 - 2014 International Relations

    Joint degree, franco-british, in International Relations, International Relations and Affairs


Annuaire des membres :