
Matthias SYMPHON


En résumé

Experimented by my two years working with innovation companies, I have archived several traversals projects from the customer needs formalization, the engineering studies, the purchasing, the assembly and the testing phase, to the customer deliverance and testing on customer's place.
Realization of designs for new hydraulic products.
The experience feedback had took place in my tasks.
My actual activities are leaded by the managing of the following several tasks :
- 3D database modeling of initially 2D drawings.
- Realization of work instruction for workshop operators.
- Working in collaboration with the various departments commercial, customer service and technical support.
- Compilation of technical data via the SolidWokrs PDM system.
- Management of Design Engineering Request and the Engineering Change Notices workflow.

Mes compétences :
Bureau d'études
Gestion de projet
Conception mécanique
Lean management
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Word
GANTT Project


  • SPX FLOW TECHNOLOGY - Project Engineer

    2015 - maintenant Principal missions :
    1) Project Manager mission on providing hydraulic custom made unit for an aerospace application:

    - Engineering and technical client interface,
    - Working in collaboration with the client,
    - Specifications reworked and redefined,
    - Research and development studies management and completion (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, programming),
    - New material designing,
    - Purchase management,
    - Prototype management (quotation, completion, tests, verification, optimization, tests and validation).
    - Prototype delivery at the client facility and start-up.

    2) Design Engineering Request management.
    Handle and proceed engineering requests on site.

    Secondary tasks:

    - Workshop engineering support,
    - Workshop custom tool development and designing,
    - Engineering support to the technical service team.
    - Occasional french customer support.
  • SPX Hydraulic Technologies - Mechanical Designer Engineer

    2013 - 2015 Traversal projects:
    - Customer needs formalization,
    - R&D Engineering,
    - Purchasing,
    - Assembly & testing phase,
    - Customer deliverance & launch.

    - New hydraulic products designing.
    - 3D database modeling.
    - Workshop operators work-instructions.
    - Working in collaboration with commercial, customer service, technical support departments.
    - SolidWokrs PDM system.
    - Management of Design Engineering Request and the Engineering Change Notices workflow.
  • EDE innov - R&D Engineer - Ingénieur d'Etudes

    2012 - 2013 Job description:

    Project manager on the formalization of a new manufacturing process for innovative concrete element (Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) .
    - Mechanical Engineer Manager;
    - Project tracking;
    - Consulting;
    - Budget management;
    - Supply management;
    - Implementation and formalization of studies (AIMA report - Maturation Help for innovative projects provide by the Ile-de-France region - among others);
    - Capitalization of achievement and test phases of the project.
    - Supervision of trainees.

    Description du poste :

    Chef de projet sur la formalisation d'un nouveau procédé de fabrication d'élément en béton innovant, (BFUP).
    - Responsable mécanique ;
    - Suivi de projet ;
    - Consulting ;
    - Gestion budgétaire ;
    - Gestion d'approvisionnement ;
    - Réalisation et Formalisation des études, (rapport AIMA entre autres) ;
    - Réalisation et Capitalisation des phases d'essais.
    - Encadrement de stagiaires.
  • Le C.E.R.M.A. - Etudiant - Ingénieur d'Etudes

    2011 - 2012 R&D Engineer

    Performing a special machine for the BTP (Building and Civil Engineering Works) - a grinding machine of concrete block via large diameter rollers diamonded - with the SolidWorks tool.
    - Supplier consulting;
    - Project Management ;
    - Feasibility studies ;
    - Fiscal management of the mechanical part;
    - Managing of the supply for the mechanical components;
    - Implementation and formalization of studies (in collaboration);
    - Launch tests after delivery.
    - Supervision of trainees.

    Ingénieur d'Études

    Réalisation d'une machine spéciale pour le BTP - une Rectifieuse de bloc béton via rouleaux gros diamètre diamantés) - avec l'outil SolidWorks.
    - Consulting fournisseur ;
    - Gestion de projet ;
    - Etudes de faisabilités ;
    - Gestion budgétaire de la partie mécanique ;
    - Gestion des approvisionnements des éléments mécaniques ;
    - Réalisation et formalisation des études, (en collaboration) ;
    - Essais après livraison.
    - Encadrement de stagiaires.
  • Bureau International des Poids et Mesures - Assistant R&D Engineer

    2009 - 2010 The International Bureau of Weights and Measures

    The BIPM, international organization, is the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, which aims to ensure worldwide uniformity of measurements and traceability of the International System of Units (SI).

    Research work and mechanical achievements on the “Watt Balance” for a new universal definition of the mass by connecting it to an immutable physical quantity rather than to a standard which changes were observed during the last century).

    (http://www.bipm.org/en/scientific/elec/watt_balance/wb_bipm.html ; http://www.bipm.org/en/scientific/elec/watt_balance/)

    Assistant Ingénieur de Recherche
    Le Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

    Le B.I.P.M, organisme international, est le Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, qui a pour mission d’assurer l’uniformité mondiale des mesures et la traçabilité du Système International d’unités (S.I.).

    Travaux de recherches et de réalisations mécaniques sur la Balance du Watt pour une nouvelle définition universelle de la masse en la reliant à une grandeur physique immuable et non plus à un étalon dont des variations ont été observées durant le siècle dernier).

    (http://www.bipm.org/en/scientific/elec/watt_balance/wb_bipm.html ; http://www.bipm.org/en/scientific/elec/watt_balance/)


  • UFR Sciences Et Technologies

    Evry Courcouronnes 2011 - 2013 Master Génie Système Industriels

    Génie des Systèmes Industriels spécialité Productique
  • UFR Sciences Et Technologies (Evry Courcouronnes)

    Evry Courcouronnes 2010 - 2011 L3 GSI spécialité Production
  • Institut Universitaire De Technologie IUT GMP (Evry)

    Evry 2008 - 2010 Diplôme Universitaire Technologique, Génie Mécanique et Productique
  • Lycée Alfred Kastler

    Dourdan 2006 - 2008 BAC S, Sciences de l'Ingénieur spécialité Physique Chimie

    S - Sciences de l'Ingénieur & Physique Chimie


Annuaire des membres :