


En résumé

As a Project Engineer I coordinate projects through their entire life cycle, from RFQ to
after-sales with a focus on project management, engineering, business and process
improvement. First point of contact of global customers, I used to work with dedication
and a professional approach. With cross-curricular education and experience, in
international and multicultural environments, I gained in flexibility and autonomy and I
feel capable of adapting myself to any situation

Mes compétences :
Business Engineering
Competitive Intelligence
International business
Microsoft Business Intelligence
Projects Management
Gestion de projet


  • TELECOM Bretagne / Sciences Po Rennes - Projets

    maintenant Projets effectués lors de la formation TELECOM Bretagne et du Master ISUR :
    - Etude des transports urbains de la ville de Bogotá
    - Simulation d’appel d’offre en collaboration avec Alcatel-Lucent
    - Conception d’un logiciel d’aide de gestion pour PME avec la société de conseil FIVESI
  • CABLIANCE (Belgique/Maroc) - Project Engineer

    2014 - maintenant Cabliance was created as an Alstom/Nexans joint venture producing electrical harnesses and control cabinets for international rail industry. Manufacturing site in Morocco and front office in Belgium.

    • End-to-end project management (+1M€ projects):
    > Planning construction and negotiation (Customer need VS production capacity)
    > Deliveries, configurations and costs follow-up
    > Modifications implementation, problem solving, crisis management
    > After-sales coordination

    • Engineering/industrialization:
    > Reception of customer’s technical documentation, specifications and requirement.
    > Analysis, standardization and implementation of technical data for production transfer.
    > Point of contact between production/quality and customer technical managers.

    • Customer relationship and commercial activities:
    > First point of contact of customers in France, Poland and Spain
    > RFQ answer and commercial negotiation
    > End-of-project costs analysis

    • Process and tools improvement::
  • Alcatel-Lucent (Antwerp, BELGIUM) - Small Cells Product Support Manager

    2011 - 2013 Home, enterprise and metro cells products across 3G and 4G (WCDMA & LTE)
    · Support to Regional Account teams, Bids & Proposals, Sales and Marketing teams (Worldwide)
    · Monitoring of the commercial references, trials and customers deliveries
    · Assessment of Small Cells market evolution and customer needs
    · Business Case, P&L Analysis, Multi-Scenario Simulation Analysis
    · Consolidation of business dashboards and sales forecasts
    · Coordination of Early Adopter Selection Process
  • AGUAKAN (Mexico) - Etude des quartiers irréguliers

    2010 - 2010 Filiale de Suez-Environnement, responsable des services d’eau potable et d’assainissement des municipes Benito Juárez et Isla Mujeres
    - Diagnostic des quartiers irréguliers de la ville de Cancún
    - Enquêtes auprès de la population de ces quartiers
    - Création d’un SIG
  • Alcatel-Lucent - Analyse de marché et gestion de l'information pour la stratégie et développement d'affaires

    Paris 2008 - 2009 Année de Césure à Alcatel-Lucent Vélizy, division Mobile, équipe Stratégie
    Analyse de marché et gestion de l'information pour la stratégie et développement d'affaires
    - Suivi des activités sur le marché du WiMAX Mobile
    - Études de marché et des opportunités pour le WiMAX
    - Veille concurrentielle
    - Étude des tendances de marché de la téléphonie mobile
    - Conseil sur la stratégie de l'entreprise


  • Institut D'Etudes Politiques

    Rennes 2009 - 2010 M2, Urban Services Networks Engineering in Emerging Countries

    (water, sanitation, solid waste management, transport, telecommunications)

    Study and design for urban utilities projects (water, sanitation, solid waste management, energy, public transport, telecommunications, …) in developing countries and urban areas.
  • Universidad De Buenos Aires Ingeniero Industrial (Buenos Aires)

    Buenos Aires 2008 - 2008 posgrado, Procesamiento de señales (signal processing)

    Mathematics and telecommunications
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Télécommunications

    Brest 2006 - 2010 Services and business engineering - International Business

    French Graduate School of Telecommunications Engineering
  • Lycée Chateaubriand Maths SUP, Maths SPE

    Rennes 2003 - 2006 Top tier preparatory studies for entrance to graduate from engineering schools
  • Lycée Sévigné

    Granville 2000 - 2003 BAC S

    Mention Très Bien (pass with 80% upwards)


Annuaire des membres :