


En résumé

I'm a Commercial pilot with a "frozen" ATPL , Instrument Rating and Multi Engine qualification.
I'm looking for a flight officer position on any Private Jet company or airline and also open for a job on Executive Aviation as operations Agent.

In addition to my training at Cannes Aviation ATO, i use to fly across Europe on Eclipse 500 as a safety pilot for Riviera Jet GIE.
This experience gave me skills to fly jet aircraft on a safety and comfortable way for business customers.

I'm Highly motivated to begin my career and available at any times.


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


  • Cardiff Aviation (Cardiff)

    Cardiff 2014 - 2014 Multi Crew Cooperarition certificate

    Boeing 747
    Crew Ressources Management ( CRM )
    Jet Orientation Courses introduction ( JOC )
  • Cannes Aviation FTO

    Cannes La Bocca 2013 - 2014 Theorical ATPL , CPL (A) , IR , MEP , FCL 055 level 4

    -Theorical ATPL : Air Law, Human Performance & Limitations, General Navigation, IFR Communications, Flight Planning and Monitoring, VFR Communications, Operational Procedures, Mass and Balance, Meteorology , Aircraft General Knowledge, Instrumentation, Performance,Radio Navigation, Principles of Flight.

    -CPL and IR on Single and multi engine : DA40,DA42.

    -Jet experience on Eclipse 500
  • Lycée Marguerite De Flandres

    Gondecourt 2007 - 2010 Bac S


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