maintenantSystem U Southern is the central merchandizing of the Stores U: Hyper U, Super U, and Market U of the southern area.
Duties: Preparer of order: Systeme U Vendargues
Hays Dx
- Commercial
maintenantHays Dx; It rests on the permanent development of an offer of added value services.
Duties: - Training period: commercial search for prospective customers in 2002
Hays Dx
- Assistant Logistic
maintenantAssistant logistic in the warehouse
- Warehouse manager
maintenantProdirest-Constans; Subsidiary company of Carrefour group and first national supplier of the Restoration Except Hearth, Prodirest has developed for more than twenty-five years a service of proximity on the whole of the own territory
Duties: training period: manager of stock; warehouse of Constans SAS: Montpellier
Lycée Charles de Gaulle, London
- Teacher's Assistant
maintenantI was responsible to welcome pupils, follow their schooling (assiduous attentions, establish contacts with families and others administrational tasks…)
La Poste
- Postman
Paris-15E-ArrondissementmaintenantPrincipal establishment in distribution of mails. It has as a branch banks called La Banque Postale.
Duties: I was responsible for sorting the mails and ensuring of the distribution to the customers in a specific aera.
Medcos SA
- Internship Marketing International
maintenantThe vocation of Medcos is to respond to the technologic needs requiring knowledge of materials and devices for research.
Duties: Training period; Study international marketing: diagnosis export “Moroccan Market research in the sector of the cleansing of water”.
- Marketing and Management of Human resources
maintenantCARSUD SARL; Created in 2000, operates in Languedoc Roussillon (France); specialist in transporting people.
Duties: Training period; Study marketing “Development of consumer loyalty and satisfaction”.
Montpellier Town Hall; education service
- Animator of schools
maintenantThe town hall is responsible for all the primary schools and maternal of the city.
Duties: Animator of schools, Organisation of leisures for young people