Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer
- Méthodologiste pour les Recommandations pour la Pratique Clinique en Cancérologie
2002 - 2005
1: Schmitt C, Theobald S, Fabre N, Kasparian C, Séblain C, Boutard P, Mansuy L, Marec-Bérard P, Monvillers C, Munzer M, Orbach D, Sakiroglu O, Tumerelle G, Annequin D, Carbajal R, Luu M, Ricard C, Torloting G, Wood C; Institut National du Cancer; Fédération Nationale des centres de lutte contre le cancer; Centres régionaux de lutte contre le cancer; SFCE; SFETD; Fédération Hospitalière de France; Fédération Nationale de Cancérologie des CHRU; fédération française de Cancérologie. [Standards, options and recommendations for the management of procedure-related pain (lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration or biopsy, blood sampling) in children patients with cancer (summary report)]. Bull Cancer. 2006 Aug 1;93(8):805-11. French. PubMed PMID: 16941757.
2: Krakowski I, Theobald S, Fabre N, Delorme T, Binhas M, Collin E, Duclos R, Jaulmes D, Luu M, Rostaing-Rigattieri S, Rousselot H, Torlotin G, Vuillemin N. [Full version of the 2005 Standards, Options and Recommendations for the management of procedure-related pain (lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration or biopsy, blood sampling) in adult patients with cancer.]. Bull Cancer. 2005 May 1;92(5):465-88. Review. French. PubMed PMID: 15932811.
3: Cutuli B, Fourquet A, Luporsi E, Arnould L, Caron Y, Cremoux P, Dilhuydy JM, Fondrinier E, Fourme E, Giard-Lefevre S, Blanc-Onfroy ML, Lemanski C, Mauriac L, Sigal-Zafrani B, Tardivon A, This P, Tunon de Lara C, Kirova Y, Fabre N; Federation of French Cancer Centres (FNCLCC), et le groupe de travail SOR. [Standards, Options and Recommendations for the management of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast (DCIS): update 2004]. Bull Cancer. 2005 Feb;92(2):155-68. French. PubMed PMID: 15749645.
4: Marchal C, Spaeth D, Casadevall N, Daouphars M, Marec-Berard P, Fabre N, Haugh M; Comité d'organisation des Standards, Options and Recommendations. [Standards, options and recommendations for the use of recombinant erythropoietin (epoietin alpha and beta darbepoietin-alpha, EPO) in the management of anaemia in oncology for patient undergoing radiotherapy-update 2003]. Cancer Radiother. 2004 Jun;8(3):197-206. French. PubMed PMID: 15260007.
5: Spaeth D, Casadevall N, Daouphars M, Marchal C, Marec-Berard P, Fabre N, Haugh M; Standards, Options and Recommendations project. [Summary version of the Standards, Options and Recommendations for the use of recombinant erythropoietin (epoietin-alpha and beta, darbepoietin-alpha, EPO) in the management of anaemia in oncology - Update 2003]. Bull Cancer. 2004 Feb;91(2):179-88. French. PubMed PMID: 15047458.
6: Rostaing-Rigattieri S, Rousselot H, Krakowski I, Theobald S, Collin E, Vuillemin N, Balp L, Torloting G, Fergane B, Richard B, Duclos R, Eschalier A, Delorme T, Minello C, Toussaint S, Richard A, Magnet M, Chvetzoff G, Larue F, Navez ML, Collard O, Bonnefoi MP, Couturier M, Santolaria N, Wagner JP, Fabre N. [Standards, options and recommendations for the use of medical analgesics for the treatment of pain arising from excess nociception in adults with cancer (update 2002): opioid analgesics with the exception of morphine by mouth and the rotation]. Bull Cancer. 2003 Aug-Sep;90(8-9):795-806. French. PubMed PMID: 14609771.
7: Krakowski I, Theobald S, Balp L, Bonnefoi MP, Chvetzoff G, Collard O, Collin E, Couturier M, Delorme T, Duclos R, Eschalier A, Fergane B, Larue F, Magnet M, Minello C, Navez ML, Richard A, Richard B, Rostaing-Rigattieri S, Rousselot H, Santolaria N, Torloting G, Toussaint S, Vuillemin N, Wagner JP, Fabre N; FNCLCC. Summary version of the Standards, Options and Recommendations for the use of analgesia for the treatment of nociceptive pain in adults with cancer (update 2002). Br J Cancer. 2003 Aug;89 Suppl 1:S67-72. PubMed PMID: 12915905; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2753010.