
Nicolas FRITZ


En résumé

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  • Sati France - Country Manager

    maintenant Since 2004 : Country Manager, France.
    General Manager of a profit center of 12 people.
    Development of sales and marketing strategies adapted to the local market. Establishment and monitoring of the subsidiary's (financial) budget.
    Responsible of the human resources and administration department in France. Responsible for key accounts.
    Ensure compliance with group policies
    Development of new distribution channels : Industrials, Editors, Contract.
    Achieved best results of the Group in 2009 and 2010
  • Nordlinger - Export manager

    2000 - 2004 Development of the sales and marketing policy of a geographic zone comprising 25 countries.
    Team management and sales coaching : recruitment, technical and commercial training of the agents and distributors in each country.
    Achieved best results of the company in 2002.
  • Mory Team - Sales Manager

    1995 - 2000 Setting-up and developement of import/export channels with Great Britain and Italy.
    Account manager, price research, management and monitoring of projects.
    Involved in the creation of the company Isotrans



Annuaire des membres :