


En résumé

Directeur associé de l'agence Bespoke, agence de marketing relationnel spécialiste des marques premium.

A fait ses études à l'EBS Paris (European Business School), option Marketing-Management, promo 95, 3ème année à Munich et Londres.

Directeur de Clientèle et Directeur Conseil dans les agences Euro RSCG et Publicis après ses débuts chez Dassas Communication, en charge du marketing opérationnel.

Les marques suivies en détail en stratégie et création récemment : Kuoni (prog relationnel clients/prospects), ViaMichelin (lancement en Europe), Peugeot (coordination internationale), MCI WorldCom (lancement B2B France), Case Poclain (pub B2B Europe), Vahiné et Bahlsen.

Mes compétences :
Communication externe


  • L'agence Bespoke & nouvoduo - Co-owner

    2004 - maintenant With 7 plus years experience in premium brands, nouvoduo has launched a new entity dedicated to this very universe, using a unique methodology : l’agence Bespoke.
    Discover now our new website : www.lagencebespoke.com
  • Publicis Etnous - International Brand Director

    2001 - 2003 - In charge of the ViaMichelin Europe & Futuroscope accounts (Gross Margin: 1.2M€)
    - Development of the communication strategies (strategic + media planning), supervisory control of the implementation (on/off/new media) and coordination of the Publicis agencies (advertising marketing services, media)
    - Business Development
    - Supervision of the teams

  • 404Found! - Account Director

    2000 - 2001 - Development of the strategic recommendations and supervisory control of the teams
    - Building the affiliation and online loyalty programs integrating an own-soft program
    - In charge of the following accounts : PC City (Dixons Group), Virgin Mega, Michelin, e-TF1, pagesjaunes.fr

  • Euro RSCG Worldwide - Product Manager

    PUTEAUX 1998 - 2000 Peugeot International Coordination Team

    - Conception and management of the advertising strategies for the following products: 206, 306, 607, 806
    - Conception of the CRM program for the launch of the 607 et 307
    - Supervisory control of the international productions (movies & prints)
    - International Competitive monitoring, creation of information resources for the network (CD Rom, extranet, e-mailings)
    - Coordination of the Marketing Services Agencies (The Sales Machine network), International direct marketing strategies, communication off and online
  • Dassas Marketing Services - Account Manager

    1996 - 1998 - In charge of the following CRM/ promotion accounts : Primagaz, Peugeot Afrique, Nestlé, Vahiné and Bahlsen
    - Management of the communication accounts of : Case Poclain (Europe), MCI WorldCom et Gallo Sonoma
    - Business Development (short structure)

  • Acapulco - Project Manager

    1995 - 1996 Management of the promotion and incentive accounts of: Colgate Palmolive, Volvic, Côte d'Or, Oasis, Delacre and Totalgaz



Annuaire des membres :