


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Flight Tests
responsible for flights
mission planning
Training of surface and maritime patrol
Responsible for the definitions
Responsible for the creation
Responsible for monitoring
Responsible for an NCO squad
Missions planning
Light Aircraft
Global Positioning System
Fuel stock allocation supervision
Flight preparation
Electronic Warfare
Building Surveys
Aircraft Carriers
Aerial Warfare


  • AIR MARINE - Photographe

    2009 - maintenant
  • AIR MARINE - Pilot

    2009 - 2017 navigator observer, aerial photographer and UAV pilot /AIR MARINE ;
  • AIR MARINE - Trainer

    2008 - 2009
  • Greta - ETUDIANT

    bordeaux 2006 - 2008 * Lay off then retraining course ;
  • Marine Nationale - Staff officer

    Paris 2002 - 2006 E2C expert assigned to the Carrier Air Group commander :
    * training and of the Air Interception Controller ;
    * in charge of the French E2c general flight activity general planification
    * French liaison officer for NATO training on board French aircraft carrier ;
    * French AEW componant representative for Afghanistan operations ;
    * Staff officer for flight daily activity of the air assets onboard aircraft carrier. ;
    * Tactic trainer expert for E2c component in charge of:
    * Scenarii creation ;
    * Training of surface and maritime patrol navy units with the e2c trainer ;
    * Request and test of HARDWARE upgrades ;
    * Tactical Mission Palnning Systems esxeprt in charge of:

    * Creating the flght data for aircrews ;
    * The updating of the Software data used by the HARDWARE ;
    * Request and test of HARDWARE upgrades

    * Initiator for the creation of a system to be used for recovering and
    analysing the flight data after a E2c

    * Supervisor of the electronic team in charge of creating and updating the Electronic Warfare files for theE2c weapon system. ;
  • Marine Nationale - Flying Officer

    Paris 1999 - 2002 on Duty at the 4Th squadron

    * First E2c tactical mission chief trained in
    * First Air interception Controller trained in FranceHawkeye ; ;
    * In charge of the flight activity planning
    * Expert as air controller ;
    * In charge of the Air training cell and master teacher ;
    * In charge of the qualification supervising for the squadron air contyroller ;
    * In charge of the Tactical Mission Palnning Systems ;
    * Supervisor for the updating of the whole cryptography and code data used for parametring the communications equipments ;
  • Marine Nationale - Officer

    Paris 1997 - 1999 French flying officer in the navy team detached to the Grumman Copamny

    * trained as a radar officer for inflight duties ;
    * choosed to be a tactic trainer supervisor for ground duties ;
  • Marine Nationale - Flying Officer

    Paris 1992 - 1996 on Duty at the 4Th squadron ;
    * Tactic trainer expert for ASUW ASW component in charge of:
    * Scenarii creation ;
    * Training of Breguiet Alize aircrew
    * Request and test of HARDWARE upgrades
    * Instructor in the training cell ;
    * Expert in the « Combat Search And rescue » field ;
    * Tactical coordinator in the Breguet Alize aircrew. ;
    * ;
    * Deputy of the Operation Chief of the squadron in charge of :
    * Air missions planning ;
    * Training qualification supervisions
    * Fuel stock allocation supervision ;
  • Marine Nationale - Flying officer

    Paris 1991 - 1992 detached to the carrier naval aviation admiralty
    * ;
    * specialist of the Admiral staff cell in charge of the activity of the squadrons of the naval aviation.
    * Supervisor of the squadron fuel allocation consumption
    * Admiral advisor for the upgrade of the Breguet Alize in electronicsensors domain
    * In charge of creating and correction of the yearly tactic examination of the carrier aircrews. ;
  • Marine Nationale - TACAE

    Paris 1984 - 2006 Navigateur, coordinateur tactique, Officier contrôleur de chasse, Chef de mission, instructeur vol et simulateur tactique.
    Spécialiste de la lutte anti surface, anti sous marine et expert en lutte anti aérienne et en gestion de l'espace aérien. en entraînement et en opérations réelles interarmes et interalliés
  • Marine Nationale - Navigator

    Paris 1984 - 1991 Aircew menb on Duty at the 6Th squadron ;
    flying theBréguet Alizé ;
    * Tactical instructor and nagigation instructor in the special instruction cell(Section de Formation Alize) dedicated to the two squadrons of Breguet ALIZE.
    * Supervisor of the squadron flying hours allocation
    * In charge of updating and ordering the aerial documentation
    * In charge of supervising and installing the electronic data key used for communication system
    * Selectionned navigator for testing an informatic system developped as tactical weapon system used for manage tactical situation.
    * In charge of using and developping with the computer scientist a PC system in order to follow the availibilty the electronic equipments of the weapon system of the BREGUET ALIZE ;


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :