


En résumé


Surname: Oscar
Nationality: Burundian
P.O. Box: 5611 Bujumbura, BURUNDI
Cell: + 257 75 934 212 or +257 79 557796
e-mail: s.oscar@cbinf.com

2. CURRENT POSITION: General Manager of ENECSO (Energy and Civil Engineering Firm).


Academic qualification:

 Ph.D.program (interrupted) in Physics Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, (January 1996 -Nov 1997).

 M.Sc.Energy systems Engineering, University of Arizona, College of Engineering, Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering, Tucson, Arizona,( August 1987).

 BSc in Physics, Al Fateh University, The Faculty of sciences, Tripoli, LYBIA (June 1982)

NOW : In parallel with my business in Solar Energy and consultancy I also do the following:
Research supervisor of solar energy projects at the University of Burundi, and at the Military Academic High Institute of the Republic of Burundi, Lecturer of Environmental Issues at the International Leadership University-Burundi; Africa Nazarene University(based in Kenya) Representative in Burundi
April 2001-Up to date: General Manager of ENECSOsa (The Solar Energy and Civil Engineering Society),an own private society based in Bujumbura-Burundi.
Main Task : Day-to-day management of micro and macro solar energy projects:
Project Studies, Supplying, Installation and Maintenance of Solar energy systems for Banks, the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals, the Telecommunication companies (ONATEL, UCOM-Burundi), NGOs(CED CARITAS Burundi, OXFAM QUEBEC,CRS, Missionaries of Charity, ) and private homes.
1MWp of Solar PV modules have been supplied and installed by ENECSO under my supervision in medical clinics , Schools, Banks and households.
Independent Energy Consultant for the Ministry of Energy /Republic of Burundi, PAGE/Burundi.

Feb. 2002 –up to date: Vice President of APROCOBU “The Burundi Association for the Promotion of Cooperatives for Production, Sales and Supply” an NGO created to help rural Burundians improve theirs standard lives trough urbanized rural villages.
Tasks: Project coordinator(implementation of participatory projects), contacts with the local government, donors, NGOs and local communities to be based in modern villages under construction in Burundi through our guidance. Promote clean energy sources to be used in the villages in order to reduce the use of wood as fuel and as a replacement of kerosene lamps for lighting.

Dec.1997-March 2001: Founder and Manager of CONSOF & Es.a. (the Consulting Office and Engineering ).During that period I have conceived and installed 4 photovoltaic power stations belonging to ONATEL(Office National des Télécommunications du Burundi):
• 17248 Wp-48V- 3400 Ah for a telecommunication station at BULULE
• 16072 Wp-48V-3400Ah for a telecommunication station at SONGA
• 2744 Wp-48V-600Ah for a telecommunication station at CANKUZO 1
• 1568 Wp-48V-360Ah for a telecommunication station at CANKUZO 2
Jan 1996-Aug 1997: Research member of the Alliance for International Development at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne.

Tasks: Modelling of sustainable development indicators (including environmental impacts) in the energy and the building sectors.

Nov.1994- Oct. 1995: Researcher at IRSA(Intéraction Rayonnement Solaire et Atmosphère), Université Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble, France
and the ASDER (Association Savoyarde pour le Développement des Energies Renouvelables) Chambéry, France :
Tasks: Participated in the conception and feasibility studies of energy projects to be financed by the European Union.

Aug.1987-Oct1994 : Lecturer at the Polytechnic Section, the University of Burundi.During this period I have guided and directed a great number of projects in solar energy for B. Sc. candidates in physics and in civil engineering.

Sept . 1990- sept.1994 : Head of the Physics Department at the University of Burundi.
Tasks: Beside being a lecturer, I was in charge of the a

Mes compétences :
long experience
Wind energy


  • ENECSO - Manager

    2002 - maintenant Studies and Counseling in Energy Management, Installation and Maintenance in Solar Energy


  • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL) (Lausanne)

    Lausanne 1995 - 1997 PhD interrupted

    Architecture et Developpement Durable - Sustainability Indicator in Buildings using Entropic Model
  • Joseph Fourrier Grenoble, France (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 1994 - 1995 Certificate

    Spectral Analysis of solar radiation - solar researches and training at ASDER, chambery
  • ADEME (Sofia Antipolis)

    Sofia Antipolis 1992 - 1992 Certificate

    Professionalism in rural electricity (stage photon) - Sizing of solar systems, projects management
  • Institut D’Economie Et De Politique De L’Energie Grenoble (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 1992 - 1992 Certificate

    Energy Policy and planning - Energy modelling and management
  • University Of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona)

    Tucson, Arizona 1985 - 1987 Master

    Solar Energy - Energy Systems engineering,

    Tripoli 1978 - 1982 BSc

    Physics - Solar Energy


Annuaire des membres :