The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2014 - 2014
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2013 - 2013
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2012 - 2012
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2011 - 2011
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
Tsinghua University
- Visiting Scholar
2011 - 2011
Tsinghua University
- Visiting Scholar
2010 - 2010
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
Centre National
- Director of Research
2009 - 2011
with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Deputy-Director of UMR 168 (1996-2003
Research Associate with the LC MRC Boulder (CO, USA)
Institut Curie, Centre de Recherche (UMR 168)
11, rue P et M Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05 (France).
Tel.: 33 1 56 24 67 62.
Fax: 33 1 40 51 06 36
E-mail: patrick.keller@curie.fr
Current research subjects
Biomimetic materials: - toward the realization of micron-sized artificial muscles
- Responsive surfaces
Polymers with spacial organization : diblocks, triblocks
Self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers
Publications: 158 publications.
Royal Dutch
- Shell Associate & Professor of Chemical Engineering
2008 - 2010
Royal Dutch Shell Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University,
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2008 - 2008
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
Royal Dutch
- Shell Associate & Professor of Chemical Engineering
2007 - 2007
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University,
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2007 - 2007
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the LC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2005 - 2005
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof. D.M. Walba (Co-PI at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2004 - 2004
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2003 - 2003
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2002 - 2002
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2001 - 2001
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
2000 - 2000
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Research Associate
1999 - 1999
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba. (Co-P.I. at the FLC MRC)
Naval Research Laboratory
- Research Associate
1998 - 1998
: Research Associate at Naval Research Laboratory-Washington D.C. (Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering) with Prof.Shashidhar.
The Royal Institute of Technology
- Invited Professor
1997 - 1997
: Invited Professor at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Stockholm-Sweden) with Prof A.Hult (Department of Polymer technology).
The University of Colorado at Boulder
- Professor Associate
1996 - 1996
: Professor Associate at the University of Colorado at Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
Centre National
- Director of Research
1996 - 2003
with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Deputy-Director of UMR 168 (
The University of Colorado-Boulder
- Research Associate
1995 - 1995
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado-Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
The University of Colorado-Boulder
- Research Associate
1994 - 1994
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado-Boulder with Prof.D.M.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
Naval Research Laboratory
- Research Associate
1993 - 1993
: Research Associate at Naval Research Laboratory-Washington D.C. (Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering) with Prof.Shashidhar.
Naval Research Laboratory
- Research Associate
1992 - 1992
: Research Associate at Naval Research Laboratory-Washington D.C. (Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering) with Prof.Shashidhar.
Naval Research Laboratory
- Research Associate
1991 - 1991
: Research Associate at Naval Research Laboratory-Washington D.C. (Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering) with Prof. Shashidhar.
The University of Colorado-Boulder
- Research Associate
1989 - 1990
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado-Boulder with Prof. D.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
The University of Colorado-Boulder
- Research Associate
1988 - 1988
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado-Boulder with Prof. D.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
The University of Colorado-Boulder
- Research Associate
1985 - 1985
: Research Associate at the University of Colorado-Boulder with Prof. N.Clark (Condensed Matter Laboratories) and Prof. D.Walba (Dept of Chemistry).
Det of Chemistry CU Boulder CO USA
- Research associate
1985 - maintenant
liquid crystals synthesis
Centre de Recherche P
- Post-doctorant
1982 - 1983
: Postdoc at Centre de Recherche P.Pascal (Talence;France) with Prof. H.Gasparoux.
- Chercheur
1977 - maintenant
recherche en chimie organique, chimie des polymères, cristaux liquides
Harvard University
- Research Associate
1975 - 1975
: Research Associate at Harvard University (Cambridge;Mass.) with Prof. R.B.Meyer (Gordon McKay Laboratory of Applied Physics).