


En résumé

Passionate about technology and mobility, I'm always eager to tackle new challenges and create products that change people's lives. I am currently working at TextMe, Inc., the leader in Sponsored Communication, as a Software Engineer on the Android platform. At TextMe, I have worked on several Android applications that you can find on the Google Play Store. Some of them used by millions people every day, all over the world.

Mes compétences :
Visual studio
Visual C++
Android Studio
Développement Android


  • Raizlabs - Senior Software Engineer

    2016 - maintenant
  • TextMe, Inc. - Software Engineer

    2014 - 2016 · Maintained and improved, the existing TextMe Android application (bug fixes, Code re-writing, feature improvements).
    · Participated in analysis, architecture and development of three new applications (Freetone, Top TopUp, TextMeUp).
    · Contributed to development of two common code bases. One shared between four applications (authentication, Android account management, contacts management and synchronization, In-App Lock, permissions management, notification management, search in screen, TextMe API's wrapper). As well as another for communication applications TextMe, Freetone, TextMeUp.
    · Created custom components (dialer view, Text Views for phone composition/recipients selection, message composition UI, audio reader/recorder), animations and behaviors to improve user experience using Google Material Design guidelines.
  • MightyCarma, Inc. - Software Engineer (Android)

    2013 - 2013 At MightyCarma, I had the opportunity to participate in developing a new Android application and its dedicated accessory, which allow controlling your smartphone while driving. As a Software Engineer at MightyCarma, I was in charge to analyse and develop various features of the Android application as well as some pieces of the User Interface. I worked on the Voice Recognition (Voice command), Text-to-Speech, Managing SMS and phone calls, managing Camera (picture, video), doing image processing on pictures or managing the location providers.
  • Desjardins - Junior Software Engineer

    Québec 2012 - 2012 The Desjardins Group is the largest association of credit unions in North America. I collaborated in the realization of various projects steps like analysing impacts of linguistic accentuation management or analysing and modelling the mapping of SCD’s applications. I executed functional tests on the customer IRV (Interactive Vocal Response).

  • Futurocom - Junior Software Developer

    2011 - 2011 As Developer at Futurocom, I worked on a new product of the company destined to value experts. I participated in the development and the implementation of custom controls which permit to create graphically and manage all aspects of an expertise of value. My tasks were to design user interface pieces, participate in analysis and development of business logic layer. The custom control was totally integrated in internal software framework of the company.
  • DClic Info. Service - Entrepreneur/Freelance

    2009 - 2010 After my technical degree, I was Entrepreneur during one year. I repaired and maintained computers and networks for businesses and individuals. I realized a digital wishes letter for a company for the 2010 New Year with Adobe Flash as well as promotional cooking recipes with Adobe Creative Suite.

  • Ideactor Business Communications - Intern. Developer

    2006 - 2006 The goal of this internship was to develop tools for internal administration in order to obtain an analysis after customer audits. I developed two macros with Visual Basic for Application, which allows sellers to generate PowerPoint presentations with charts and graphic results, based on an Excel Data Table filled during customer audits.



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