
Philippe LEMAIRE


En résumé

Objectif Personnel
En m’appuyant sur ma solide formation d’ingénieur, et après une expérience de vente, j’ai dirigé des équipes marketing dans les domaines des Télécoms et de l’Informatique, construisant des solutions technologiques adaptées aux différents secteurs de marché, afin d’améliorer les résultats des sociétés, à un niveau international.

Compétences Clés
Business Développement en environnement high-tech
Capacités mixes: Finance (IT Value Expert IDC), Management et Marketing
Travail à l’International (Europe et USA), avec une bonne compréhension des spécificités locales et la pratique du management d’équipes internationales.
Flexible, adaptable et apprenant vite

Mes compétences :
High Tech


  • Delamo Consulting - Fondateur

    2009 - maintenant Création de Delamo Consulting, société de conseil en Marketing pour les domaines High Tech.
    Cible: société internationales désirant développer ou renforcer leurs offres sur le marché Européen.
    Moyens: définition de Business Plan, packaging d'offres, lancement d'offre, accompagnement méthodologies de vente (ROI selling, solution selling, selling results, selling to the VITO...) et aide aux premières commercialisations.
    Référence: Ikon-id, Ageris, FastLane, Iceb, Lexsi.

  • Belgacom Telindus - Head of Corporate Solution Group

    2000 - 2009 Since June 2000, TELINDUS, international telecom integrator (after CF6 acquisition by Telindus).
    - Since 2007 Head of Corporate Solution Group, Responsible for Strategic Solutions and Vertical Markets (Carriers, Healthcare, Defence/Local Governments)
    - 2005-2006 Head of Business Development, Corporate Solution Group : For all Telindus domains, new solution deployment in Telindus countries (Security, IP Communication, Outsourcing, Remote management and Video Surveillance)
    - 2003-2004 Business Development Manager:
    Business development for ROI Selling for Telindus strategic domains (Security, IP Telephony, INSP, Mobility, Video Surveillance…)
    Methodology and Tools development
    Management, Sales force and Consultant trainings
    Business development for IP telephony consultancy methodology
    Consultancy for ROI analysis and for IP telephony
    - 2000-2002 Business Unit Manager for penetration test.
  • CF6 - Business Unit Manager

    1999 - 2000 CF6, Security Consultancy Company.
    - Penetration test team set up and management.
    - Definition of products and sales deployment in France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
  • Expertware International - CTO and Director of European Operations

    1995 - 1999 Expertware is an American software supplier, providing configuration management software (privately held company).
    - Chief Technical Officer, based in Dallas, Texas:
    Business development and product strategy definition and implementation,
    Management of the technical teams in Dallas and Paris.
    Management of European operations, based in Paris area:
    Company set up, management of direct and indirect sales (distributors in Italy, UK, Belgium)
    Management of the European branch office
  • SOFTIX - General Manager and owner

    1988 - 1994 SOFTIX (Paris), CASE Software distributor.
    - Product definition and supplier relationship (computer aided software engineering),
    - Marketing and sales on the French territory.
  • HEWLETT-PACKARD France - Market Development Manager

    1979 - 1988 Marketing, Sales and Support responsibilities, . Based in the French headquarter office in Paris area.
    Unix workstations and associated solutions, test and measurement systems.

    - 1984 - 1988 Market Development Manager for Technical computers and applications (100M$ business in France).
    Direct Management of 7 product managers, indirect management of sales reps,
    Local implementation and adaptation of the US strategy (pricing, sales quotas…)
    - 1981 - 1983 Consultant group Manager for test and measurement systems.
    - 1979 - 1980 Consultant for automatic test systems.
  • FIME - Product manager

    Antony 1978 - 1978 Intelligent communication terminal design and manufacturing.
  • LCT - Software engineer

    1977 - 1977 Automated self-tests of public switchboards
  • LEP (Philipps subsidiary) - Engineer

    1976 - 1977 Military service Lab programmer for night vision and liquid crystal research



Annuaire des membres :