


En résumé

Mes compétences :
statistical analysis
data analysis
cell culture
biological data analysis
array design
Western Blotting
Venture Capital
DNA extraction


  • I.G.B.M.C - Post-doctorant

    2012 - maintenant Post-doctorant in developmental and molecular biology, Institute for Genetic, Molecular and Cellular Biology (Illkirch, France). Characterization of the RNAs and proteins partners of the transcription factor Glide/Gcm in Drosophila.
  • University of Strasbourg - Post-doctorant

    2012 - 2012 Engineer in biological data analysis, CNRS-UPR9002 (University of Strasbourg). Analysis of publicly available deep-sequencing datasets and genomes to describe the expression, the activity and the conservation of the retrotransposable elements composed of one LINE1 element containing an Alu element insertion in human.
  • University of Queensland and University of Strasbourg - PhD student

    2008 - 2012 PhD candidate, Queensland, Australia) and CNRS-UPR9002 (University of Strasbourg, France). Development of a new method to characterize the targets of the RNA editing enzymes ADARs in a highthroughput fashion and characterization of the expression of Alu elements in somatic tissues using deep-sequencing technology.
    Supervisors: Pr. John Mattick j.mattick@garvan.org.au
    Pr. Eric Westhof e.westhof@ibmc-cnrs.unistra.fr
  • Novartis - Research assistant

    RUEIL MALMAISON 2007 - 2007 Installation, evaluation and maintenance of a micro-array platform (Geniom One, Febit), design and production of the chips, labeling of the samples, analysis of micro-array data and evaluation of the best labeling strategy for the detection of miRNA by micro-array in comparison to quantitative PCR.


  • Université Lille 1 Sciences Et Technologies

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 2005 - 2007 Master professionnel

    Master of cellular and molecular biology in Lille. This master comprised two internships of six months. The first one was spent at the royal botanic garden of Edinburgh where I characterized the gene BARP in Begonia. The second was spent at Novartis in Basel where I was responsible of a micro-array platform.
  • Université Lille 1 Sciences Et Technologies

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 2003 - 2005 Licence

    Bachelor (Licence) in proteomics and genomics. An internship of two months was done at the GEPV in Lille under the supervision of Dr. Vincent Castric where I mapped three genes in Arabidopsis halleri.
  • Université De Haute Alsace

    Colmar 2001 - 2003 DUT in agronomy
  • Lycée Scheurer Kestner

    Thann 2001 - 2001 Baccalauréat S


Annuaire des membres :