


En résumé

7 years of experience in software development, automation and quality insurance in the field of Computer Vision and Media streaming.

Additional fields of interest are Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT).

Recently switched to Program Management with a focus on innovation and Data Driven product development.

Used to work in Agile and geo-distributed engineering teams.

__Functional knowledge__

* **Real Time Communication** (RTC): WebRTC, ORTC, Lync, Skype
* IPTV: development of systems for capturing, transcoding, streaming video in real-time
* Video security: conception of hybrid analog / digital CCTV system
* Test **Automation and Continuous Integration**: commit, build, deploy, test, analyze, report
* Fast Prototyping and working Proof of Concept (PoC)

__Technical knowledge__

* Languages: **Python 2.x/3.x**, **Script-Shell**, **C**, **C++**
* Secondary languages: C#, Lua, Groovy, JAVA, PHP4, HTML5, PowerShell
* OS: **GNU/Linux**, Windows 8
* CPU: **x86**, **x86_64**
* Tools: FFmpeg, VLC, V4L2, FFTW, OpenCV, OpenSSH, GDB, Valgrind, Subversion, Mercurial, Autotools, CMake, OpenMP, pThread, jQuery, CouchDB, \​LaTeX, ...
* Network: TCP/UDP, IPv4/IPv6, multicast, Gstreamer, VLC
* Maths: **Image processing**, video compression (RDO), Octave (Matlab)
* **Async programming** and **scaling** issues
* Experience in consuming and producing RESTful services


* Electronics: Raspberry Pi, Arduino and other DIY MCU boards (I2C, RS485, RS232)
* Photography: APS-C, Raw processing
* Sports: rock-climbing, cycling, diving, skydiving

* * *
Keywords: **Cross-platform, Video Processing, Media streaming, Open Source, Hackathon**

Mes compétences :
Compression vidéo


  • Microsoft - Senior Program Manager

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2015 - maintenant Working with one of the scrum team of the Real Time Media org: streaming, cross-platform video services, WebRTC

    * Identify features, experiences, external dependencies and integration work
    * Prepare and schedule the execution plan to be as lean and smooth as possible
    * Internal and External Evangelism
    * Deep insight into market, competition, user, product and technology trends
    * End-to-End accountability, KPI, Forecast and Performance
  • Microsoft - Senior SDET

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2013 - 2015 Working in one of the Scrum team of the Real Time Media team: streaming, QoS, cross-platform video services.

    * Improved our internal Continuous Integration system with easier test declaration, better tests management, cleaner dashboard. Improved existing test frameworks for End-To-End testing in terms of scalability and robustness.
    * Architecture + Development of a cross-platform test framework (async python3, CouchDB, Linux, REST services)
    * Debug and testing of the Lync and Skype Media stacks. (client and server side)
    * Tools and prototypes from real-time remote log parser to dashboard framework: async python3, JavaScript, Groovy, CouchDB, Clang for C++ parsing, OpenCV for pattern analysis, mocks in C# for Azure
  • Microsoft - SDET: Software Developer Engineer in Test

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2012 - 2013 Working in one of the Scrum team of the video library team:
    * Non Functional Requirement testing (Python)
    * Continuous Integration (Python, Lua)
    * Bug fixing of the video lib (multi-threaded C++)
    * Bug tracking (Jira)

    (Spare time: development of the Skype Linux video stack)
  • Skype - Video Quality Engineer

    2011 - 2012 Working in one of the Scrum team of the video library team:
    * Non Functional Requirement testing (Python)
    * Continuous Integration (Python, Lua)
    * Bug fixing of the video lib (multi-threaded C++)
    * Bug tracking (Jira)
  • Mobiclip - Ingénieur de Recherche et Développement Audio Vidéo

    2007 - 2010 1) Chef de projet (mono-entreprise local) : mise en place d’une infrastructure de réception satellite et responsabilité technique, fonctionnelle du projet (nov. 2008 à dec. 2010)
    – Recherche de fournisseurs et estimation des coûts CAPEX/OPEX
    – Tests matériels et gestion des stocks (serveurs, modules DVB, modules CAM)
    – Développement des outils de production, gestion et supervision
    – Tests de qualité (QA)

    Outils : GNU Linux 2.6, C, Python, Shell Script (POSIX), Norme DVB (S/S2), multicast udp

    2) Ingénieur de Recherche en traitement d’images, compression vidéo/audio.
    – Mathématiques appliquées en traitement d’images et audio
    – Amélioration psychovisuelle du codec vidéo (Brevet FR2920940)
    – Etude sur les mesures psychovisuelles (SSIM), espaces colorimétriques, correction gamma
    – Video scalability, Quantization, Rate-Distortion Optimization

    Outils : GNU Linux 2.6, C, C++, Octave (Matlab), Python
  • I.I.T.K. - Assistant administrateur Linux.

    2006 - 2006 India Institute of Technology of Kanpur

    (stage) Temps Partiel durant un échange universitaire.
    Assistant administrateur Linux.

    Outils : GNU Linux 2.6, MySQL
  • LinkInTime - Développeur

    2004 - 2005 stage au Yemen
    MOE sur un service SMS pour les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile locaux.

    1) produit LinkInBank
    2) produit LinkInSCREEN

    Outils : GNU Linux 2.6, JAVA (JavaBeans, J2EE, Swing, Servlet)


  • Ecole Normale Supérieure (Cachan)

    Cachan 2006 - 2007 Master 2 de Recherche: Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage (mention bien)
  • EPITA - Ecole D'Ingénieurs En Informatique

    Kremlin Bicêtre 2003 - 2006 Génie Informatique et Systèmes Temps Réel (mention bien)
  • Lycée Dumont D'Urville

    Toulon 2001 - 2003 Classes préparatoires : Maths Sup/Spé (PCSI/PSI*)


Annuaire des membres :