7 years of experience in software development, automation and quality insurance in the field of Computer Vision and Media streaming.
Additional fields of interest are Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT).
Recently switched to Program Management with a focus on innovation and Data Driven product development.
Used to work in Agile and geo-distributed engineering teams.
__Functional knowledge__
* **Real Time Communication** (RTC): WebRTC, ORTC, Lync, Skype
* IPTV: development of systems for capturing, transcoding, streaming video in real-time
* Video security: conception of hybrid analog / digital CCTV system
* Test **Automation and Continuous Integration**: commit, build, deploy, test, analyze, report
* Fast Prototyping and working Proof of Concept (PoC)
__Technical knowledge__
* Languages: **Python 2.x/3.x**, **Script-Shell**, **C**, **C++**
* Secondary languages: C#, Lua, Groovy, JAVA, PHP4, HTML5, PowerShell
* OS: **GNU/Linux**, Windows 8
* CPU: **x86**, **x86_64**
* Tools: FFmpeg, VLC, V4L2, FFTW, OpenCV, OpenSSH, GDB, Valgrind, Subversion, Mercurial, Autotools, CMake, OpenMP, pThread, jQuery, CouchDB, \LaTeX, ...
* Network: TCP/UDP, IPv4/IPv6, multicast, Gstreamer, VLC
* Maths: **Image processing**, video compression (RDO), Octave (Matlab)
* **Async programming** and **scaling** issues
* Experience in consuming and producing RESTful services
* Electronics: Raspberry Pi, Arduino and other DIY MCU boards (I2C, RS485, RS232)
* Photography: APS-C, Raw processing
* Sports: rock-climbing, cycling, diving, skydiving
* * *
Keywords: **Cross-platform, Video Processing, Media streaming, Open Source, Hackathon**
Mes compétences :
Compression vidéo