- Active Scientist Writer Member
2014 - maintenant
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I am an Active Scientist Writer Member of this community and i love to spread on it my ideas and research topics.
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Automation Service
- Head of Research & Development
2013 - 2014
- Mandate: propose, implement and develop new hi-tech solutions for the industrial and civil sectors. Primarily responsible for leading a team that provides analytical support to the Sales Department. Manages the development and generation of R&D data reporting and analysis, process and project-level analysis, establishing and monitoring performance goals to aid overall R&D operations and productivity. Responsible for developing, researching, enhancing, and maintaining data analysis relevant to Training. Generate and communicate reports in order to measure training tools, productivity, and process.
Electric, Electronic and Computer Science Engineering Department
- Co-Thesis - Catania University, Electrical Engineering Course
2013 - 2014
1. Thesis Title: “Design and testing of a control system for the automation of an ophthalmological medical office” written by Saraceno Alessio;
2. Thesis Title: “Automation of an ophthalmological medical using an embedded control system” written by Sipione Santino.
- Active Scientist Writer Member
2013 - maintenant
ResearchGate is a professional network for scientists and researchers. It started when two researchers discovered first-hand that collaborating with a friend or colleague on the other side of the world was no easy task. Founded in 2008 by physicians Dr. Ijad Madisch and Dr. Sören Hofmayer, and computer scientist Horst Fickenscher, ResearchGate today has more than seven million members.
I am an Active Scientist Writer Member of this community and i love to spread on it my ideas and research topics.
On the time i get different awards about my publications and activities.
Join into my ResearchGate profile
> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cristian_Randieri
Eptanet – Siracusa (SR)
- Design and creation of the IACP (Institute of popular housing in Syracuse) website
2011 - 2011
Catania University Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology
- Lecturer of the seminar
2011 - 2011
"Application of video-monitoring and automation Hi-Tech in the operating room"
Catania University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Experimental physics
- Research Fellowship holder
2008 - 2009
- Subject of research: Photoreaction Study of nuclear data analysis of mesons photo production in HD polarized target; Rule of sum HDG.
- Theme of research: “Physics with the electromagnetic probe”.
- Technological Association
2007 - 2008
Scientific association attribution as research grant holder within the Group 3 (Doc.Gen.1518/2004).
Catania University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Experimental physics
- Research Fellowship holder
2007 - 2008
- Subject of research: Photoreaction Study of nuclear data analysis of mesons photo production in HD polarized target; Rule of sum HDG.
- Theme of research: “Physics with the electromagnetic probe”.
Catania University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Took part on the Research Project
2007 - 2009
- Title of the research “Measurement of polarization observables in the photo production of baryonic resonances”.
Catania University - Physics and Astronomy Department, Physics course
- Co-Thesis
2007 - 2008
Thesis Title: “Equipment Remote Control systems for the GRAAL Experiment” written by Lo Presti Danilo.
Technical Institute "E. Fermi" – Siracusa
- Lecturer of the course inherent the HTE (Higher Technical Environment, Energy and Security)"
2005 - 2005
- Remote monitoring air;
- Water;
- Infrastructure;
- Water supply management automation system;
- Automation system management wastewater treatment.
Catania University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Experimental physics
- Research Fellowship holder
2005 - 2006
- Subject of research: Photoreaction Study of nuclear data analysis of mesons photo production in HD polarized target; Rule of sum HDG.
- Theme of research: “Physics with the electromagnetic probe”.
Intellisystem Technologies
- Chief Scientist Officer and Head of Research & Development
2003 - maintenant
Intellisystem Technologies
- President & CEO
2003 - maintenant
Commerce & Tourism Technical Institute "A. Rizza" - Siracusa
- Lecturer of the course “On line Police”
2002 - 2002
Financed by P.O.N. (National Operational Plan) - “Security for the development of Southern Italy”.
Professional & Technical Institute "G.B. Ferrigno" Castelvetrano (Trapani)
- Lecturer of the course
2002 - 2002
“Path stretched to form a professional figure capable of overseeing the planning and management of the school’s local network” financed by P.O.N. (National Operational Plan) 2000/2006.
Kernifysisch Versneller Institut - Groningen, Netherlands
- Took part in the R16 nuclear physics experiment
2002 - 2002
"Simultaneous nn, np and pp interferometry in medium-energy heavy-ion collision".
Course foundations of computer networks faculty of Computer Engineering
- Seminar Leader - Catania University
2002 - 2002
Seminar "Advanced Techniques for the design of enterprise networks".
Commerce & Tourism Technical Institute "A. Rizza" - Siracusa
- Lecturer of the course "Intranet as an opportunity to learn how to use a computer networks"
2002 - 2003
Course foundation of computer science faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Seminar Leader - Catania University
2001 - 2002
Seminar "Wireless Systems Networking: 802.11.”
Course foundation of computer science faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Seminar Leader - Catania University
2001 - 2001
Seminar "C programming language: Strings and files management".
Commerce & Tourism Technical Institute "A. Rizza" Siracusa
- Lecturer of the course "The Multimedia" funded by the European Social Found
2001 - 2001
The course was aimed to improve the in-service teachers training in order to increase their skills and the educational process providing them new techniques for creating, manipulating and publishing multimedia software.
Catania University - Course foundation of computer science faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Seminar Leader Seminar "Microprocessor systems and their architecture"
2001 - 2001
High School Institute "Quintiliano" Siracusa
- Lecturer of the course "Internet and Teaching" funded by the European Social Found
2001 - 2001
The course was aimed to support in-service teachers in order to increase their skills and improve the educational process about: technical network access, navigation and search on the Internet.
INFN Catania Section
- Research contract
2001 - 2001
Research activity: develop the DAQ system for the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector. CMS is a particle detector designed to capture a wide range of particles and phenomena produced in high-energy collisions in the LHC (The Large Handron Collider) experiment of CERN (Geneva).
CEPU – Siracusa
- Teacher and Tutor
2001 - 2001
Taught courses:
- European Computer Driving Licence;
- Languages and compilers;
- Dynamic web pages designing based on distributed databases (such as MySQL on PHP / Apache platform).
Local Health Unit Number 8 (AUSL 8) – Siracusa
2000 - 2000
- Supporting the CEO to define the complete company computerization and technical architecture standard. Manage the IT company organization: methodologies, facilities, information and training;
- Produce specific projects in sectors and specific IT topics;
- Assist all the company managers in the design of computer applications;
- Assist all the company managers in defining the technical specifications, contracts and testing procedure for new Hardware devices and IT services acquisition;
- Preparation of training plans and start-up of IT applications.
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ERSF), Grenoble, France.
- GRAAL (Grenoble Anneau Accèlèrateur Laser) Experiment
2000 - 2007
- Research topic: determination of the characteristics and calibration of an innovative extended disk particles detector made of scintillating materials.
Catania University, Department of Physics
- Scientific researcher technologist
1999 - 2000
- Research activity within the project "Observable polarization sum rule DHG";
- Research: “Applications of neural techniques to data analysis of nuclear radiation detectors”.
Multimedia Technologies Institute (MTI) s.r.l. – Catania
- Hardware designer
1999 - 2000
Project: "Study and design of hardware solutions for the interface PC-phone."
Realization of hardware interface for telephone calls management using voice recognition technology.
- Before to be gratuated, Speaker at the international conference
1998 - 1998
international conference “1998 IEEE International Conference on Control Application”; Scientific publication "A Cellular Neural Network based system for cell counting in cultures of biological cells".
INFN/LNS (National Institute for Nuclear Physics / Southern National Laboratory - Catania (CT)
- Internship
1998 - 1998
Design and implementation of a distributed control system based on Profibus communication network.
ABRES S.r.l.
- Researcher
1998 - 1999
Design of intelligent systems for the realization of controlled-release drugs easily conveyable, using soft computing techniques applied for monitoring precision machinery.
ABRES S.r.l. – Catania (CT)
- Internship
1998 - 1998
Aimed at the study, design and optimization of a system for animal cells counting with artificial intelligence techniques based on Cellular Neural Networks (CNN).
Catania University – Engineering Faculty
- Graduating student in the Electronic, Electro technical and Systems Department
1997 - 1998
ABRES S.r.l. – Catania (CT)
- Internship
1997 - 1998
Aimed at studying, designing and optimizing of an extraction system device based on supercritical fluids (SCF techniques RESS) with artificial intelligence techniques based on Soft Computing.
Catania University - Faculty of Engineering
- Scientific collaborator at Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
1997 - 1998
Research and design of VAD (Voice Activity Detection) and VUV (Voiced and UnVoiced sounds) systems for mobile phones. Also worked on the research of targeted application of FieldBus networks for industrial automation in high-risk environments.