
Raphaël DUMAS


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de production
Gestion de projet


  • Eurocopter - NH90-ILS Manager

    2012 - maintenant Belonging to Program Support Organisation the NH90 ILS Manager is dedicated to lead Technical Publications activities.
    In that frame he has to realise 3 main critical missions:

    1- Lead ECG ILS TechPub Planning to guarantee that contractual TechPub deliveries are released in due time

    2- Consolidate NH90 Customers expectations and ensures availability in due time of consistent Input data to increase TechPub usability

    3- Ensure Customer satisfaction (focused Readiness of ILS deliverables) during H/C delivery phase

    The main responsibilities are:

    -Insure that Customers need are properly integrated within ILS & TechPub planning and related Completion Plans to achieve the ILS program targets

    -In the frame of new baselines qualification, define the planning with Program, Engineering, Production, and Tech-Pub disciplines

    -Lead ILS TechPub Planning within ECG (development and completion)

    -Contribute to the NHI Tech Pub planning elaboration by providing ECG inputs.

    -Management of associated priorities

    -Be the interface between PSO Community and NHI TP disciplines (ECG, AW, FK)

    -Collect all sources of potential improvements deemed necessary and launch internal relevant actions by participating to periodical meetings with all NH90 End Users.

    -Get NH90 Customers operational feedback trough organisation of regular meetings with Program Variant Managers, Customer Support Managers, Product Support Managers

    -Identifies and ensures availability in due time and improve quality of consistent Input data to increase TechPub usability.

    -Harmonise consistency of data at NHI Level

    -In close cooperation with Customer Support Managers and Program Variant Managers, provide to Customer explanations/clarifications on ILS deliverables (mainly TechPub, ECP1B implemented on H/C, Logcard consistency) during H/C delivery phase

    -Integrates specific commitments towards ILS deliverables into global ILS Roadmap and ensure their fulfilments
  • Eurocopter - NH90 Product Support Manager- Focal Point for Sweden

    2008 - maintenant Technical Single Point of Contact for Sweden within the NH90 Product Management Team.
    In that frame the lead has to be taken for 3 missions:
    1.Represent Industry in-front of the Swedish Customer in all NH90 In-Service Technical support matters:
    -Provision of technical answers entailing daily technical coordination inside ECG and with NH90 Partner Companies (Agusta-Westland, Fokker).
    -Organising periodical Technical Review Meeting with the Swedish Military Operator (Swedish Armed Forces) and the Swedish Design Organisation (FMV)
    -Treatment of Incidents in conjunction with the Continued Airworthiness Department.
    -Act as Technical Adviser to the Swedish Customer.
    -Support the Swedish Customer with all continued airworthiness matters when transferring already delivered helicopters which have been used and maintained
    by Industry during training activities.
    -Support the Swedish Customer during delivery of new H/Cs from Industry
    -Setting up the Retrofit Program Plan and support the Swedish Customer when helicopters are left for retrofit and when they are delivered after retrofit.
    -Coordination of retrofits / post completion works on the in-service fleet.
    -Provide support for In-service configuration management

    Note: To achieve this mission and to establish a high level of confidence with the Swedish Customer, I have been expatriated On-site at the Swedish Armed Forces military Base in Linkoping, Sweden from Mars 2009 to September 2009.

    2.Contribute to NH90 Product Improvement
    -As being close of the H/Cs and Operator expectations, identification of Product Improvement candidates.
    -Ensure Fleet Data Collection and related reporting to NHI.
    -Management of maintenance concept improvement process with Engineering, NHI and PCs based on maintenance results and maintenance man hours.

    3.Bring the Customer expectations to others disciplines and ensure the interface between the Design Office, Service Chef Engineering and Program

    The main responsibilities are:

    •Efficiently interface the Swedish Operators by taking into consideration specific Swedish requirements.
    •Efficiently integrate the capabilities and competencies of the Industry Organization based on System Design and Production Work-sharing responsibilities.
    •Reacting in the shortest possible time to events and needs arising from fleet operations.
    •Provide the service in the best and cost-efficient manner utilizing the competence of each party.
    •Ensure the interface and information flow between the Swedish Customer & the Industry for all technical related issues.
  • IEA (Subcontractor for Eurocopter France) - Ingénieur Certification/Qualification

    2006 - 2008 Subcontractor for Eurocopter France:

    NH90 Continued Airworthiness - Technical Incident Point of Contact (TIFP)

    *Ensure the continued airworthiness of NH90 Aircrafts with handling, analysis and follow up of the incidents declared by several actors like production lines, quality department, Flight tests , customer support and authorities.

    *Coordinate involvement of technical specialists trought the Continued Airworthiness process.

    *Interface between Eurocopter France and NHI Continued Airworhiness.

    *Interface between Eurocopter France and French Autority DGA
  • Alcatel Alenia Space - Responsable métier Alignement

    2005 - 2006 " Responsable métier des activités alignement d'un satellite de télécommunications "
    Définition des procédures métier et agencement de celles ci dans un planning multi-tâches.
    Suivi et garantie de la qualité technique des opérations à travers les divers essais (Thermique, Vibrations, RF') vus par le satellite.
    Encadrement d'une équipe (2 à 10p) et gestion du budget alloué aux activités Alignement.
    Prise en charge du retour d'expérience afin d'améliorer les méthodes et processus métier.
    Participation active aux diverses réunions d'avancement d'un projet pluridisciplinaire
  • Airbus France - Ingenieur Stagiaire Recherche Developpement

    2004 - 2004 En charge de la caractérisation mécanique d'éléménts rotulés à travers la mise en place d'un modèle élements finis sur ABAQUS et d'une recherche analytique dans le domaine de la mécanique du contact des corps parfaits (rotules)
  • Université Technologique d'Eindhoven (Pays Bas) - Stagiaire ERASMUS

    2003 - 2003 Etude sur le mouvement de détachement d'une bulle pour optimiser la géometrie des tubes chaudières des centrales thermiques à travers la mise en place d'une installation et la mesure de champs de vitesse à l'aide d'un anemometre laser à effet dopler
  • Airbus France - Ingenieur Stagiaire Etude

    2002 - 2002 Etude de la faisabilité d'une structure secondaire avant de mat-reacteur utilisant le procedé de fonderie de précision du titane impliquant la reconception de la géometrie de la structure sur CATIA V5 ainsi que la comparaison economique des deux solutions



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