Translational medicine expert, driven by highest standards in science
= > Line and matrix management of cross-disciplinary R&D teams
= > Experienced from therapeutic targets identification and pharmacological characterization to lead compound selection, early stage development and First In Man studies
= > Design of integrative R&D programs including molecular and cellular biology, electrophysiology, in vitro and in vivo pharmacological proofs of concepts, biomarkers development and epidemiological studies
= > Conversion of research grade programs to pharmaceutical standards, bridging of preclinical concepts with clinical trials
= > Contribution to Investigators Brochures, Clinical Trials Laboratory Manuals, correspondances with Health Authorities (Orphan Drug Designation)
Broad hands-on and clinically driven scientific expert in drug discovery and preclinical development:
= > 15 years of experience with Drug Discovery in neuroimmunologie and psychiatry, expert in NMDA receptors pharmacology, allosteric modulation, and Multiple Scerosis associated RetroVirus (MSRV) biology
= > thorough experience with Small Molecules Entities (11 years) and mAbs (4 years)
= > led a small molecules screening and S.A.R. program in collaboration with an international network of pharmacochemists for 8 years
= > generation of various targeted in vitro and in vivo models supporting pharmacological profiling, pharmacodynamy, proofs of concepts, screening and selection of new drug candidates (neurotoxocity and neuroprotection, brain myelination, peripheral inflammation, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, catalepsy, multiple sclerosis, CIDP...)
Spécialisations : Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, translational medicine, neuroscience, neuroinflammation, Drug Discovery, Early Stage Development, biomarkers, schizophrenia, psychosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology
Mes compétences :
Drug Discovery
Pas de formation renseignée