Mes compétences :
Analytical skills
Excel + VBA
Microsoft Excel VBA
Team Player
Visual Basic
- Project manager bale III
2014 - 2015Mise en place des reportings
Analyse de la régulation
Sélection des nouveaux champs à implémenter
Rédaction /update des documents liés aux projet
Testing des systèmes
Animation de meetings avec les différents intervenants IT , business et projet.
Réponse a l exercice de Stress test organise par la BCE pour tester la stabilité des banques en cas de stress des marchés ( ratios de liquidité, simulation de reporting Bâle III etc...)
2013 - 2013Implementation of all compliance risk monitoring tools and processes (planification, monitoring, risk scoring) for the company and the delegated functions, including investment compliance.
Controls implementation based on both regulations and prospectus, including investment ratios monitoring and KYC file completeness.
All compliance duties fullfillment in accordance with cssf form 12-546 and, EU directives, luxembourg laws, regulations and circulars.
Update des procédures UCIT complaince, AIF en cours
Internal control process and procedure set up
Analysis of all regulatory requirements for management company, from client acceptance process to AML identification, structures and FBO analysis.
Deep understanding of funds and UCITS in particular, good knowledge of worldwide distribution requirements (inscription or not to financial regulators, transfer agent in the county, fees to be paid...)
Projects involvement: set up of AIF structures chart and fee proposals comparaisons, deep financial analysis.