
Sebastien GUY


En résumé

Project management applied to the management of the Entreprise Ressources Planning in a continuous improvement.
* Supply Chain Management (Forecasting, Sales, Manufacturing, Stock Management, EDI)
* Finance, Treasury application, Business Reports
* Organization management

IT skills
* SAP/Business One: ERP Administrator
* Magic-XPI: EAI tools
* MSSQL 2005, 2008: Databases + DTSX Packages
* Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Outlook

Mes compétences :
SAP Business One
logistique interne
Supply Chain
Gestion de projet
gestion de production
Audit Informatique
Gestion de base de données MSSQL
Magic XPI


  • Parrot - IT Project Manager

    PARIS 2013 - maintenant Planning, organizing and delineating responsibility for the completion of organizations' specific information technology (IT) goals - HQ + Subsidiaries (Europe, Asia, USA)

    • Improve the internal and external communication to provide some visibility
    • Organize the team by functional field (Sales& Marketing / Finance / Supply Chain)
    • Mark up and follow up all IT budget by project
    • Implement the AGILE method with all IT Project leader
    • Follow up with the IT auditors

    Principal results achieved:

    - Setup and follow up new steering committee
    - Improve relationship between IT dept and business with a better functional background
    - Setup an IT budget process (Project Code, Profit center)
    - Reduce the delivery windows for any IT development
    - Setup and follow up some qualitative KPIs (Incidents / Change requests)
    - Application of the recommendation given by IT Auidtors with ranking
  • Parrot - IT Project Leader + Business Analyst

    PARIS 2006 - 2013 Setup and roll out of any IT solution at a Group level: HQ + Subsidiaries (Europe, Asia, USA)

    • Analysis of the needs of interfaces for operational & strategic users.
    • Definition of functional specifications (Electronics, Logistics, Subsidiaries, Price list)
    • Definition of technical specifications (EDI, Virtualization, Web Portal, Mobile solution)
    • Establishing procedures to ensure best practices in ERP with training and skills transfer.
    • Project management with internal and external stakeholders (keyusers + developpers)

    Principal results achieved:

    - Setup new IT processes (EDI flows – Logistic platform – Subsidiaries – Customers - Suppliers)
    - Setup new supply chain processes (reduction and control of stocks and supplies MRP)
    - Setup new business processes (Purchase, HR workflows)
    - Setup & Enhancement financial reports (Inter-compagny control, Cash flow management, Tax control)
  • Parrot - Production pilot – Manufacturing

    PARIS 2004 - 2006 Responsible for Parrot CK3xxx production

    • Follow-up manufacturing (planning, scheduling, assembling)
    • Follow-up suppliers (Purchasing – Asian importation)
    • Follow-up customers (Customer customization file, quality, delay)
  • AIRBUS - Scheduling - Internship - 6 Months

    Blagnac 2004 - 2004 Development of a prototype of a resource constraint project scheduling problem (RCPSP).
    - Proposal to save time and productivity (computerization of the process).
  • TOTAL UK Ltd - Optimization - Internship - 3 Months

    COURBEVOIE 2003 - 2003 Development of an optimization model for the customer supply from terminals located into the South-East aera in UK.
    - Proposal to a cost reduction of 1 M$


  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (Blacksburg)

    Blacksburg 2003 - 2003 Industrial & System of Engineering

    Spring semester 2003 - Exchange students
  • Ecole Des Mines

    Nantes 2001 - 2004 Gestion des opérations en Production et Logistique


Annuaire des membres :