With a strong background on molecular biology and biochemistry in baker yeast, I developed these last 10 years an interest for eukaryotic microalgae in order to make them marketable and competitive for animal feed/food, nutraceutical, cosmetics, green chemistry and bioenergy business. I worked mainly in genetic/metabolic engineering and the characterization of new wild type and mutant microalgae strains overproducing oil (e.g. for food and biodiesel). Because of my experience in a small company and my participation in several national/european projects focused on microalgae biotech (Marine Genomics Europe, Shamash, Algomics, Salinalgue, Facteur4), I have been lastly in charge of the Greenstars national program coordination and some other regional microalgae biotech programs for Inria Tech Transfer & Innovation Department. I'm currently looking for a R&D manager position in which my work experience will be a high added-value for the company in term of technological innovation and economical success. Sharing technical skills and ideas, managing a highly-experienced & motivated team, collaborating with professional partners and communicating on projects being at the cutting-edge of biotechnology reflect my expectations and the keys to success.
Key-Word : molecular biology, lipid and protein biochemistry, microalgae, genomic, biotechnology, eukaryotes
Mes compétences :
Molecular Biology
IP landscape
Genetic engineering