
Sid'ahmed KOUHLI


En résumé

Since 2007 in oil and gas industry, i went through different kind of projects and jobs.
From main office in engineering up to construction sites, from Paris up to Ras-Laffan, these experiences gave me a general overview of this interesting and challenging business line.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet


  • Technip - Package Engineer

    Paris 2013 - maintenant Project description:

    Green field development within ghanaians territorial waters for Tullow oil. The proposed field development called T.E.N. is a full SURF (subsea, umbilicals, flowlines, risers) installation around a unique FPSO.(floating production storage and offloading unit)
    this FPSO is to be converted from a crude oil tanker by Modec. Technip, in consortium with SS7 are the main contractors for SURF package.

    Within package department, reporting to package managers, i'm in charge of the following tasks:

    -Prepare and manage the list of equipments and materials for my packages.
    -Coordinate technical aspects between the engineering, procurement and suppliers from the tender phase till the delivery of equipments and / or materials subsea.
    -Prepare requisitions for quotation and purchase.
    -Analyze, clarify and compare the technical offers from potentials suppliers.
    -Master planning constraints related to manufacturing and integration of equipments.
    -Monitor the progress of the design of equipments relative to my packages.
    -Ensure coordination between the Engineering and Procurement during the work process (tender phase, technical clarifications, purchasing, change management, inspection)
    -Monitoring of technical changes and associated impacts (cost/ planning).
    -Liaise with Contract manager in order to charge impacts to the corresponding partner.
  • Technip - Completion Engineer

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Project description:
    Construction of a pipelay Vessel called Deep Energy for Technip. She is one of fastest and largest reel-lay vessel. She is able to install pipes till 18 inches and susbea structure till 50 tonnes.

    Within vessel completion team, reporting to project manager, i was in charge of the following tasks:

    - Systems definition and commissioning organisation.
    - Prepare and follow-up of punchlists coming from differents entity ( Technip marine operation services, independant authority , main subcontractors, Technip inspectors...)
    -Weekly reports preparation.
    -Preperare final dossiers for handover.
    -Prepare documentation for marine authorities (DNV, Panama and suez canal,...)
  • VINCI ENERGIES - Inspection Manager

    Montesson 2010 - 2011 Project description:

    Largest Gas to liquid plant called Pearl GTL built in Qatar for Shell. Project management contractor was a consortium between KBR and JGC. 8 Main contractors were selected to build this plant. Vinci energies was the E&I (electrical and instrumentation) subcontractors for one of them (CB&I) responsible for Tankage package.

    Within construction team, reporting to the project manager, i was in charge of the following tasks:

    -Management of the team in charge of mechanical and electrical control before energization (pre-commissioning)
    -35 peoples in charge at peak activity (1 administratif, 8 inpectors and 26 techicians) and associated testing equipments.
    -Follow-up via Win PCS database (nearly 30000 check sheets)
    -Issues solving (faulty cables, damage material..)
    -Liaise with construction in order to identify work front for inspection team.
    -Liaise with Custumer for inspection.
  • VINCI ENERGIES - Site Manager

    Montesson 2009 - 2010 Project description: Major investment done by GRTgaz in order to optimise compression plants and adapt the gas network. One of this investment was to build a new compresion plant near Paris. The compression gas plant is constituted by two electric compressors of 6 megawatts each.

    Within project team, i was in charge of the follwing tasks:

    -Site representative for the E&I contractor.
    -Planification of activities in accordance with project schedule.
    -Coordination with other contractors (Piping and building contractors).
    -Ressources management.
    -Liaise with main office for engineering issues.
    -Reporting to main office.
  • VINCI ENERGIES - Assistant Construction Manager

    Montesson 2008 - 2009 Dans le cadre d'un projet d'une ampleur de 35 millions d'euros de sécurisation de sites pétroliers stratégiques dans la région d'Hassi messaoud en Algérie (Installation d'un système d'anti intrusion,contrôle d'accès, vidéosurveillance)Je me suis attelé à redresser les parties critiques du projet:organisation du magasin(mise en place de procédures de suivi des stocks,estimation du matériels manquant pour terminer le projet);logistique(apport de rigueur, pragmatisme et clarté aussi bien dans la partie dedouanement que dans la partie transport de fret);suivi de l'avancement de projet et de la facturation.
  • Saipem - Maintenance engineer

    Montigny-le-Bretonneux 2007 - 2007 Sur un Yard de construction de structure pétrolière offshore, au sein du service matériel : mise en Place d’un suivi des vérifications réglementaires (formation du personnel local, mise en place de procédure de suivi) Planification des opérations de maintenance préventives et systématiques. Soutien des équipes techniques afin de mettre en place les progiciels SAP et AMOS Maintenance.



Annuaire des membres :