
Simon CROZ


En résumé

Procurement Manager: Engineering & Construction
International assignment, Full Mobility

Sourcing expertise in process equipment and construction.

Relevant experience in greenfield project in Russia, cross-functionnal project team, stakeholder management, change management.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet


  • SYNGENTA - Supplier Relationship Manager

    Guyancourt 2009 - 2014 Monthey’s plant, Switzerland
    Supplier Relationship Manager: Maintenance, Energy and Wastes
    Scope: One supplier, plat form contract, 50M€ yearly
    - Review of all Service Level Agreements with the Contract Managers
    - Influencing make or buy decisions
    - Reshaping processes to lower transactional costs
  • ARKEMA - Purchasing project leader

    Colombes 2008 - 2009 Jarrie’s plant, Grenoble, FR-38

    Project objectives: Spend reduction (maintenance and capex)
    - Implement organizational leverage, develop best practices and enhance collaborators skills
    - Implement e-sourcing, knowledge management and edm
    - Renegotiate major maintenance sub-contracts
    - Cost control (profile description, training…)

    My assignment: Define and coordinate action, Measure actions status, Communicate to plant collaborators (down) and to executive committee (up), Manage action leaders, Animate steering committee…

    Objectives in k€: 1,7M€ in 12 months on a global spend of 20M€
  • ARKEMA - Key Account Manager and Local Purchaser

    Colombes 2005 - 2008 Goods and Services Purchasing Direction, Lyon, FR-69
    Key Account Manager: Instrumentation and Power Equipment
    Portfolio turnover: 5 M€ (scope: ARKEMA France and subsidiaries)
    Implement purchasing strategy on this portfolio, Long term agreements, Roll out to plants around France
    Project leader of cross functional teams (Purchasers, Maintenance operators, Engineers…)
    Results: 15% to 20% depending contracts, medium use rate of purchasing agreements up to 70%

    Jarrie’s plant, Grenoble, FR-38
    Local Purchaser: Procurement, Maintenance, subcontracts agreements, CAPEX
    Portfolio turnover: 2.5 M€ equipment + 5 M€ service agreements (scope: Jarrie’s Plant)
    Maintenance and CAPEX purchases, inventory procurement, agreement negociation

    Saint-Auban’s plant, Saint-Auban, FR-04
    Training course (3 months): Implement e-procurement, Plant’s process definition, Training collaborators and communication


  • Université Grenoble 2 Pierre Mendès France

    Grenoble 2003 - 2006 DESMA : Management Stratégique des Achats
  • Université Chambéry Savoie (Annecy Le Vieux)

    Annecy Le Vieux 2001 - 2003 DUT Techniques de Commercialisation

    Président du BDE
  • Lycée Gabriel Faure (Annecy)

    Annecy 1998 - 2001 Bac S, Spécialité Mathématiques


Annuaire des membres :