


En résumé

Engineering de Production - Avionics & Mechanicals Systems - HOP! Regional

Mes compétences :
CDCCL niveau 1 & 2
QT T1 ATR42-500 - ATR72-200-212
Fokker 70/100 Series
PART145 Réglementation
PART 145
QT T1 Embraer 135/145 (Engines RR AE3007 Series)
QT T1 Embraer 170/190 (GE CF34-8E - CF34-10E)


  • Hop - Engineering de Production - Avionics & Mechanicals Systems

    2001 - maintenant Airworthiness Directives, Constructors Service Bulletins & MRB Tasks analysis.
    Give a technical support for B1/B2 Engineers on aircraft.

    Technicals backup beetween HOP! Maintenance and Aircrafts Constructors

    Flights and systems analysis on DVDR and FDR (Flight Data Recorder Honeywell and L3 models) with ADRASS & Rose softwares.

    PART 145 Technical Representative for Fokker & Embraer aircrafts.
    3 years in Holland at Fokker Services facilities (Woensdrecht) like a Technical Representative For Regional PART 145 during A & C Checks for Fokker 70/100 Series.

    Analysis & Ground Tests on LPV/SBAS Systems on ATR series.
  • Air Normandie Industries - Aircraft Maintenance

    1999 - 2001 Aircraft Maintenance for BAE Jetstream 3101, Beech serie 90-100-200, and Cessna Citation 500 for Airline "Air Normandie"
    Maintenance facilities at Boos (Aéroport Rouen Vallée de Seine - France)
  • Alpine Renault - Technical Department

    Clermont-Ferrand 1999 - 1999 Analysis for organisation and implantation of cars product lines (Megane Cabriolet, Espace, and Clio RS)

  • REVIMA - Maintenance Repair & Overhaul

    1997 - 1999 Repair and Overhaul on Landing Gear (B747, DC-10 series, A300)
    Repair and Overhaul on APU and PT-6 Series.
  • Flexibox S.A - Mechanical Seal, Power Transmission Coupling

    1990 - 1994 Designs and manufactures seals and associated products mainly for the oil & gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper and mining sectors.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :